Why do Keyword Research and How it's Complete?

Why Do Keyword Research?
  1. Because people find their problem by using the keyword.
  2. The search engine wants to always show the best result.
  3. You should know that which keyword more searching.
  4. The most common cause is, keyword research tools help you to find that what is searching on the web and what is not searched.
Important: If you are new in this section please read following tutorial.
1. Everything about SEO (what is SEO, How to Work and How to apply) 
2. 5 Important SEO Tips For Every Web Developer 
There are many types of tools for keyword research. Some important tool is Wordtracker, Keyword Discovery, Google Adwords etc. Most people use Google Adwords - it is much faster and can be used free of charge.

Rules Of Keyword Research:

Actually, it does not have any rules. Many paid tools available on the market, which is very easy to select correct keyword. Since we do not use those paid tools, so we should know the basic procedure of keyword research.

During The Research You Should Consider 7 Things:

1. Brainstorming (Think about any subject): First you decide, would you compete with the world or with your country or with your region? For example: If you have a furniture store in only one district, then your keyword might be "Dhaka (Your District Name) Furniture". But if you have an organization like "Amazon" then your keyword might be "Online product". For proper keyword selection that you can do more, you may ask your target customer, sales people, friend and relatives what keyword they use to find your product. It may be that you're thinking of technical terms, it may not meet with them. You can visit more Online forum/blog site to find good keyword. You can visit on your competitors website to take ideas what he is doing or what keyword they are using. Then write your idea in a paper. 

2. Divide your existing keyword: According to your keyword or service to create more than one keyword set. At the time on this step may not be possible to complete the right way. Because as long as you're not doing keyword research, you can't understand any of the search terms.  

3. Do Research: For keyword researching, you can use keyword research tools. Choose a keyword for any category. Or if you have a website, enter your desired url link in google keyword research tools.
4. Compile Or Collect Keyword: From keyword research tools create an export spreadsheet. As you like, you can re-categorize your existing keyword.

5. Remove Keyword: You can eliminate non-relevant phrases from a spreadsheet. Remove "low" search count keyword.

6. Determine Competitiveness: Here you will decide that would you like to compete with little bit or too much. Per phrase has a different competitiveness. If you are running to the back of highly competitive phrase that's difficult for you. So select that keyword which helps you to get huge visitor, but there will be less competition.
According to the competitiveness 3 types of phrase:

         ** Highly Competitive.
         ** Fairly Competitive.
         ** Non-Competitive.

7. Select Correct Keyword: Once you have completed these steps, you can easily choose your keyword. When you will select the keyword, please following the topics...

         ** Number of Searches.
         ** Relevancy to your Website.
         ** Competitiveness Level.

Thanks Everybody to read this tutorial.

How to add your Wapka Site in Google Search Engine

Everybody we know that google is the best search engine in the internet world.Now i talk how to add your wapka site in google search engine  and able to find huge visitor for your website.

step 1: First Go to this site Google webmaster
step 2: Then Click ADD A SITE
step 3: Then write your website name in box then click continue.
step 4: Then click Alternate method
step 5: Then tick HTML TAG box.
step 6: Then you will show a meta tag like
<meta name="google-site-verification" content="UHeabH7CisOiIzS6-Ml2omEzw7t2HZkJHlIgCbwSX48" />

(Every website content code is different)

Step 7: Copy this code and paste it in your HEAD TAGS(Like For wapka user:Login>EDIT SITE>Global Setting>HEAD tags (meta,style,...)>Then paste this meta code>Click set)
Step 8: Then go step 6 and click VERIFY.
step 9: Then you will show
Congratulations, you have successfully verified your ownership of http://yourdomain.com or Any Subdomain.Then click Continue.

step 10: Then click Sitemaps.
step 11: Then click ADD/TEST SITEMAP.
step 12: Then you will show a box.Just write sitemap.xml.(Like Wapka user to create sitemap:Login>EDIT SITE>Global Setting>HEAD TAGS (meta,style,...)>Under Edit sitemap file (sitemap.xml)>Then you will show a box this box just write site_id and forum_id like 0,2,4,6,f123,f456).
step 13: Then Click Submit Sitemap.
step 14: Then you show your sitemap submitted then click Refresh the page.
step 14: Now okay,your sitemap submitted.
step 15: Now this step is most important.Now i will give you a meta code which code help google robot to index your site regularly.Before paste this code change the red text.After changing the red text just paste it in HEAD TAGS.
<meta content='Write here to your website description' name='description'/>
<meta content='Write here different keyword with comma.this keyword help google search to display your site by user.Wrong keyword help your site better like action games,aktion games' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='width=device-width,initial-scale=1' name='viewport'/>
<meta content='chrome=1' http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible'/>
<meta content='2 days' name='revisit'/>
<meta content='2 days' name='revisit-after'/>
<meta content='10' name='pagerank™'/>
<meta content='1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, ATF' name='serps'/>
<meta content='5' name='seoconsultantsdirectory'/>
<meta content='Write your name' name='author'/>
<meta content='General' name='Rating'/>
<meta content='never' name='Expires'/>
<meta content='all' name='audience'/>
<meta content='english' name='Language'/>

Now all is done,your site  is now index google.To see his just go to www.google.com and write google search box like this site:yoursite.com or any subdomain like site:yoursite.wapka.mobi. If you don't see your site pls wait 1-2 days google robot index your all site properly in google search box.
If you like or faces any problem pls comment.I will answer your comment instantly.

Everything about SEO (what is SEO, How to Work and How to apply)

SEO is the important for every website. Without SEO, your website is blind. So learn SEO from an expert. Previous we post on SEO tips . You can view and gain some knowledge. Ok Let's start our SEO journey. First we should know about search results.
There are two types of search results.
  1. Organic.
  2. Paid.
Here I discuss about organic search results, because it's free.
If you are new, please read Top SEO tips for a beginner
First, We should know how search works: =

Mainly, search engine work of the two components:
  1. Crawler:= It's collect information from the different types of website by spider, robots/bot. Here, search engine follows a link then collect information and store that in their database.
  2. Algorithm: = Here search engine analyzes the received information and provided a ranking according to page's relevancy and quality of the content. SEO algorithm depends on many factors.
What is SEO?: =

SEO means "Search Engine Optimization". Seo is the policy/technique which helps a website to get huge visitor from the web search engine like google, yahoo, bing etc. In fact, if we are capable of bringing a website on the first page of search engine, we get a huge visitor to our website.

In more simple ways: If we want to download a song, then we usually go to google search and write our song name then click on search. Please note that when we are pressed on search button google displays the name of the website where we can get the song. Basically, Per page google displays 10 website name. Now you might think that why some of the site's came to the first page of search engine and why the rest of the website was behind of the page. Is Google doing as it's like or have any other reason? Surely, the first page site has something special where other site are not special. This is special techniques of SEO, in which you can take your website to the first page.

Who is the new on seo, he can follow Google webmaster guideline. If you follow basic rules, you do not have to worry so much about SEO. We make a website for the visitors, if you correctly represent your content(post) according to your visitor's mind then you automatically receive 50-60% seo.

One visitor, why does the search: Basically they are looking for the answer, or they are looking to solve a problem, or they want to meet their needs. If you can give them the necessary information to solve their problem through your site then you have no longer to worry about the visitor.

Mainly, two types of SEO:
  1. On page SEO: = Simply said, what are you saying about your website?
  2. Off page SEO: = Others, what are saying about your website?
How to use SEO?: =

Suppose you have a games website which is currently located at #10 page. If you want the search engine show your "games" search keyword in #1 page, you will make SEO of the site. SEO usually depends on a popular search terms or keyword. Remember, high competition kewords are very hard. Suppose, you have opened a new site, about that already has million websites and competitive and you also opened another site that has only 1000 websites in the world, now tell you where the competition will be easy million/1000. If the keyword selection is not perfect, you cannot get your desired results. So remember before creating a website, keyword selection is very important.

5 Important SEO Tips For Every Web Developer

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the most important for any blog/website. Without SEO your website is blind. SEO is a slow method. Don't try to make it fast. So Today, we have provided our 5 Important SEO Tips. It's help you to get the best search results for your website from google or other search engine.

5 Important SEO Tips:

1. Write Best Content:
Everybody likes best content. If you add all the keywords in your contents, but if your content is no good, people don't like your content and website and also search engines won't find your website valuable.
Besides, write unique content all time. That mean's you need to provide content that has different information from other site.
**Unique Content Is The Best For Search Engine And Users**

2. Keyword Research:
Before posting your content, always try to do some keyword research. First think, what keyword would they use to search for your service on the web? Do some research; When trying to decide on a keyword phrase, you want to find one keyword that is popular but not highly popular. Because highly popular keyword is so very competitive.
Besides, don't try to use too many keywords on one page. Keep a narrow focus and keyword phrases on a page by page basis.
**One Free Keywords Tools Google Adwords**

3. High Priority Backlink:
All time try to make a backlink from high PR (Page Rank) blog/website. If you want to check it generally, it's really too hard. So you can install two toolbars in your browsers like Alexa Toolbar and Webrank Toolbar. Here I suggest to use Webrank Toolbar because everything you can find this.
Besides you can create a comment to another Dofollow site, fill your link with your keyword.
**Don't Try To Make More Than 20 Backlink In a Day. It's Seem Spam. **

4. Title Tags:
The title tags are the most important on your web pages. It's like a proverb. The user comes to your website to see your content title from search engines. So, Always try to keep your title meaningful.
Besides use ALT tags in images (Robot does not read an image without ALT tags), Anchor tags in the link.
**Search Engine Index Your Title As a Link**

5. High Speed Site:
Your website should load speed up fast. Google recently announced that website fast will be affect on ranking. Before choosing a web host, be sure that the client using their hosting service very fast for your website.
Besides faster website choose a search engine and users.
**More Faster, More Visitor, More Rank**

How to Design your Wordpress Blog Post Thumbnail

In our WordPress blog homepage periodically, we are seeing our all post shortly. Almost all of these posts we would like to display thumbnails. In the post thumbnail image, you can display the text by using caption. See our work project below..
wordpress thumbnail
When you mouse over the image that rose above example reverse the image of the rose and the caption of the image as a show WOW! BEAUTIFUL FLOWER. If you want to add this project in your post just follow my instruction.
Important: In order to try to project, you must be concept about html,css and WordPress Development.
Open your index.php file.
Find following code.
<?php the_post_thumbnail>();?>
Now delete above the code and paste the following code. It may take some css and html editing, use your experience.
<div class="thumb_area image_thumb"> 

<div class="thumb_wrap">

<div class="flip_content">

<div class="image_front">

<?php the_post_thumbnail();?>


<div class="flip_back">

<h3><?php echo get_post(get_post_thumbnail_id())->post_excerpt; ?></h3>




Now at the bottom of your theme's style.css file to add the following code.
/*========Flip thumbnail=======*/

.thumb_area {

border:5px solid #333333;

border-radius: 15px;

width: 160px;

height: 150px;

margin: 5px auto;

position: relative;

cursor: default;



position: absolute;

width: 160px;

height: 150px;

-webkit-perspective: 800px;

-moz-perspective: 800px;

-o-perspective: 800px;

-ms-perspective: 800px;

perspective: 800px;

-webkit-transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out;

-moz-transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out;

-o-transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out;

-ms-transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out;

transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out;



display: block;

position: absolute;

width: 160px;

height: 150px;

border-radius: 50%;

-webkit-transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out;

-moz-transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out;

-o-transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out;

-ms-transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out;

transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out;

-webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;

-moz-transform-style: preserve-3d;

-o-transform-style: preserve-3d;

-ms-transform-style: preserve-3d;

transform-style: preserve-3d;


.flip_content > div {

border-radius: 15px;

display: block;

position: absolute;

width: 100%;

height: 100%;

background-position: center center;

-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;

-moz-backface-visibility: hidden;

-o-backface-visibility: hidden;

-ms-backface-visibility: hidden;

backface-visibility: hidden;


.flip_content .flip_back {

-webkit-transform: rotate3d(0,1,0,180deg);

-moz-transform: rotate3d(0,1,0,180deg);

-o-transform: rotate3d(0,1,0,180deg);

-ms-transform: rotate3d(0,1,0,180deg);

transform: rotate3d(0,1,0,180deg);

background: #000;


.image_thumb img{

margin-left: 5px;


.flip_content h3 {

color: #f00;

text-transform: uppercase;

text-align: center;

letter-spacing: 2px;

font-size: 14px;

margin: 0 7px;

padding: 40px 0 0 0;

height: 90px;

font-family: ‘Open Sans’, Arial, sans-serif;

text-shadow: 0 0 1px #fff,

border: 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);


.thumb_area:hover .flip_content {

-webkit-transform: rotate3d(0,1,0,-180deg);

-moz-transform: rotate3d(0,1,0,-180deg);

-o-transform: rotate3d(0,1,0,-180deg);

-ms-transform: rotate3d(0,1,0,-180deg);

transform: rotate3d(0,1,0,-180deg);

This effect will not work on Internet Explorer. So open your header.php file and between the <head></head> tags add  the following code.
<!–[if lte IE 8]><style>

.flip_content .flip_back {display: none;}

Then it will be completed project.
Remember: When you add an image as a thumbnails, then must be add caption.

Top SEO tips for Beginner

Now a days SEO is the important for any blog/website. It will help you to find better traffic every day and also increases your site and Alexa rank. Although, SEO is the most important but it's difficult. Let's know some SEO tips.
Simply information: 
Before search engine optimization you have to know that SEO is a slow method. Never try to make in a day. Try to do it slowly and step by step.
SEO Tips For Beginners:
  • At first choose your keyword using Google Keyword Tools or any other tools but google tools is the best for work.
  • Always try to make a backlink from high PR (Page Rank) blog. If you want to check it manually it's really hard. So you can install Alexa toolbar in your browser. You can also install the Webrank Toolbar add-on for Firefox. They will automatically show the PR when you visit any site. Here I suggest to use Webrank toolbar because everything you find this tool.
  • Don't try to create more than 30 backlink  in a day. It's appear spam.
  • When you go to make a comment on another site, fill your name space with your keyword. Then put email and your site url.
  • Select 3-5 forum site that related with your keyword. You can also do it by searching. Such as this format "High Page Rank (your keyword) forum site" in any search engine.
  • Then make a signature in the forum with your keyword (use link in keyword). Create 5-6 post each forum site regularly and make comment in another article. This method helps you to create 30 quality backlinks every day.
  • Never use any software plugin to create backlinks. It's harmful for your site.
Thanks for reading this article. May be it's help for your site. 

Top 10 Important WordPress Plugins

The plugin used to design and control website. In particular, who use WordPress. This post was originally in the people who opened their new blog in WordPress. Here I discuss top 10 important WordPress Plugins so that you can easily design and development of your website.

  • All in One Favicon
You can use this plugin to add a favicon in your site. In particular, who cannot be added favicon by using codes or who are new in Wordpress.
If you want to add this Plugin Click Here.

  • All in One SEO Pack
This plugin is important for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). You can submit your website to search engines by using this plugin.
If you want to add this Plugin Click Here.

  • Hupso Share Buttons for Twitter, Facebook, Google+
This plugin is used to add social sharing button on your website.
If you want to add this Plugin Click Here.

  • MobilePress
This plugin is very important for every WordPress site. By using this plugin, You can make your WordPress site is suitable for mobile phone.
If you want to add this Plugin Click Here.

  •  NewStatPress
This plugin shows your total visitor, total unique visitor, total page view, search keywords, spiders, browsers (Who come from another website) etc.
If you want to add this Plugin Click Here.

  • Post Ratings
This plugin helps you to add a rating system in your blog post.
If you want to add this Plugin Click Here.

  • Google XML Sitemap
This plugin is important for SEO. You can 0ptimize your website by using this Plugin.
If you want to add this Plugin Click Here.

  • Related Posts
This Plugin is important for increasing page view of your post. By using this plugin, you can add tags related post of a post. You can add this plugin below of every post.
If you want to add this Plugin Click Here.

  • W3 Total Cache
This plugin is very very important for every WordPress site. Now it's popular in the WordPress plugin platform. By using this plugin you can dynamic your website like a rocket. I suggest everybody to use this plugin.
If you want to add this plugin Click Here.

  •  Protect WordPress From Hacker
By using this plugin, you can protect your website from hacking. Besides, you can find different types of hacker protect plugin.
If you want to add this plugin Click Here.

  • How to add Plugin: 
Dashboard>>Plugin>>Add new>>Upload 
[ Note: Always try to use a few types of plugin on your site. ]

Easily Add Google Plus Comments Widget to your Blogger Blog

Let's look what's facility you achieve to add Google plus comment widget on your blogger/blogspot blog.
  • No Login: Most of the users are using a Google gmail service. So when your reader already logged into their gmail account, they don't need to add details like website address, name, email etc to comment on. So it's easy for your website to get more comment on your post.  
  • More Comments: This system is more attractive to blogspot user. Because when people will comment on the linked post on Google Plus, those comments automatically displayed on your blogspot blog and also your website post comment automatically displayed on your Google plus linked post. So always That's help your website to be active on Google Plus.
  • Social Media: Google plus comment system helps your website comment to share social media website like Google. That's good for your website to increase SEO ranking and get huge visitor.
Now if you have associated your blogspot blog with your google plus profile, you can easily add Google Plus Comment Widget to your blogger/blogspot blog. Just follow my simple instruction to add this on your blog.
 Step 1: Go to Blogger Dashboard then login with your account.

Step 2: Click on Google+ then ticks on "Use Google+ Comment on this blog"
Now you are done. See your website post. Thanks for reading.
Wait for our next article.