Selecting a Mesothelioma Lawyer

If you are diagnosed with mesothelioma and you want to make the decision to hire a lawyer mesothelioma then you should ensure that you are taking the most important decisions right.Things you should consider when hiring a mesothelioma Attorney is to find a mesothelioma lawyer you can trust and make sure that the interests of those mempriotaskan thrill you.Ignore large, opulent offices, sales pitches, glitzy ads, and pressure to sign now, and go to the services of an experienced mesothelioma lawyer when seeking advice for dealing with your case.
 Mesothelioma is a difficult case, because it is very important to find an experienced attorney. When interviewing a lawyer mesothelioma, it is 
important for you to ask questions such as how many mesothelioma cases they have handled that you find an experienced attorney to work on your behalf. You will also want to know how many lawyers have been settling cases of mesothelioma and on average how long it takes to pay off the Bills. If possible You will want to avoid a jury trial, simply for the sake of time and stress. Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer and one with cannot yet be cured. Time intended to spend time with your loved ones and not in a protracted court battle. An experienced mesothelioma lawyer can help to move the process forward are concise and well thought out. Mesothelioma lawyer when interviewed, ask if they'll pass your file to another company. Your lawyer may not be interviewed a lawyer who ended up working on your case. Ask questions and expect a satisfactory answer! Also ask how many lawyers will be working on your file and exactly how long they've been practicing lawyers law. Remember this is not a time to experience and you are entitled to know who will be working on the lawsuit. You will also want to know if they have a complaint filed against mesothelioma Attorney You interview. The practice of ethics and morals must be hope. Other questions will help, what the average compensation for cases of mesothelioma lawyers have won? Also, with the focus on the less stressful route and fastest route, remember to ask about the possibilities to settle out of court versus having to go to court and try to win the jury's verdict. Take the time to ask a simple question in the initial meeting with a lawyer mesothelioma. Don't take shortcuts. Do the hard work on the front end will make a difference for you and your family. The other key Advice is to avoid making a final decision and avoid the legal agreement signed by a first meeting with the perspective of a lawyer mesothelioma. You should take a few days to think about the interview and should always be interviewing more than a lawyer before making a decision. Yes, time is very important and it is your responsibility to have your claim handled by a lawyer who understands the complexity of asbestos claims. Experience really counts. Asbestos claims are often very complex and proving the relationship between asbestos exposure and diseases You can be very difficult and often time consuming. The guidance of an experienced mesothelioma lawyer is very important to help you and your family as you seek and receive financial compensation for diagnosed with mesothelioma linked to asbestos exposure. Experienced attorneys in this field understands that every case is different and deserves to get individual attention and will pursue your claim with experience and knowledge about mesothelioma and asbestos industry.

Types Of Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a type of lung cancer is rare. The main factor that causes mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos fibers. There is a gap of time, sometimes even up to 30 years, between asbestos exposure and the incidence of the disease. There is the difficulty of diagnosing this disease because the symptoms are very similar to other benign diseases such as pneumonia.

Mesothelioma is a disease that affects the mesothelium, or layers that form a protective layer around the abdomen, lungs, heart and other body parts. The cells of the Mesothelium may divide quickly. And tersebuat cells also have a longer life span and growing too fast. Abnormal growth of the cells of the mesothelium is caused by exposure to asbestos fibers. People who have worked in the asbestos industry or live near asbestos industry and their families would be more susceptible to contracting the disease.
Mesothelioma is divided into three main types. Type tersebuat is (pleural when affecting the lungs), (peritoneum when affecting the stomach) and (pericardial when affecting the heart). About 75% of cases comes from pericardial mesothelioma pleural and peritoneal or 20%. There are also some other rare types of mesothelioma that affects 5 per cent of the rest. All these statistics only relate to cases that are documented. There are still thousands of cases are not diagnosed or not registered worldwide.
Pleural mesothelioma:
Among the various types of cancer, mesothelioma accounts for only a small part. However, among the various types of mesothelioma, pleural mesothelioma accounts for nearly three quarters of the cases documented. In pleural mesothelioma, fluid will be built between the chest and a layer of mesothelium.
The symptoms of this disease is like panting, shortness of breath, fever, severe loss, coughing blood and breathing difficulties. Mesothelioma patients face the chest cavities of acute chest pain. This disease is not easy to diagnose because the symptoms similar to pneumonia.There is no known cure for mesothelioma chest cavity. There are two types of pleural mesothelioma is a cancer and non-cancer. When the cancer, it is referred to as malignant form and when it is non-cancerous, it is referred to as benign form.
Mesothelioma latency period of approximately 20 to 50 years. This makes many people issues to link the disease with exposure to asbestos. They may have changed a lot of work today and could not consider their disease as a disease of the occupation.
Thoracic Mesothelioma caused by inhaling asbestos fibers. These fibers enter the lungs through the nose or mouth and they mangendap in the lungs. Then, they travel over the network. Because light and invisible, they become easily airborne and inhaled. When asbestos fibers settle down in a layer of mesothelium, the cells of the mesothelium start showing abnormal behavior, cause mesothelioma. Formed tumors on the disease in the lungs and mesothelium and may spread to other body parts.
Because they are difficult to detect, they may have been causing havoc to its fullest when they are detected. Mostly, when detected, mesothelioma patients in the final stages of cancer with just a few months or years. Sometimes, not even. Mesothelioma is a horrible killer diseases. Tests and appropriate measures should be taken by the medical fraternity to detect the disease as soon as possible.
Peritoneal Mesothelioma:
Peritoneal Mesothelioma is a disease that is very rare. About 10-20% of the documented cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma. Types of mesothelioma affect a patient's stomach. Cells mesothelium stomach behave abnormally in this disease. This disease is also caused by an oral inhalation of asbestos fibers. Fibers traveling through the entire gastrointestinal tract and settled in some parts of the digestive system. A layer of Mesothelium which began in cells that divide rapidly and also has a longer life span. This caused a tumor in the abdomen and may also spread to other parts of the body. The main symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma are pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation, fever, chest pain, weight loss and severe abdominal trouble breaking. Loose motions or constipation, swelling and pieces of tissue in the abdominal area abdominal are classic signs of peritoneal mesothelioma. The disease was diagnosed in several ways using x-rays, IT scans, MRI, PET, laparoscopy, laparotomi, torakotomi, and so on. The main risk factor for contracting this disease is exposure to asbestos fibres and asbestos dust. But some of these factors also increase the risk of contracting the disease:

* A family with a history of hereditary cancer risk factors.
* Smokers appear to have a higher chance of contracting the disease compared to non-smokers, who have the same level and the amount of exposure to asbestos fibers.
* The Zeolite is a mineral that has properties very similar to those of asbestos and also seems to be an equally dangerous with asbestos.
* Thorium dioxide used in x-ray is also a factor to trigger cancer.

Pericardial mesothelioma:
The most rare form of mesothelioma is pericardial mesothelioma, it affects the mesothelium lining of the heart. Pericardial mesothelioma is the main symptom of chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, fever, fatigue and cough. As with all types of mesothelioma, there is no remedy for types as well. The only thing doctors can do is to reduce the pain and discomfort of the symptoms and help a patient has a comfortable and peaceful death.
Cardiac pericardial layers will be removed to reduce the symptoms. The heart is the most fragile of body. It is covered with a layer of brittle even called perikardium. That's why this disease known as pericardial mesothelioma as it affects perikardium. Early symptoms are fatigue, chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath and coughing constantly. Because the signs are common for other heart problems, it is difficult to diagnose this disease. Slowly, starting from the thickening of the lining of the heart and heart started filling fluid. It also can spread to other organs.
Pericardial mesothelioma at a later stage, patients are finding it very difficult to consume food or liquids. Lungs gradually stop functioning and obstruction in the intestine becomes more prominent. A worsening heart condition and patients may be affected by stroke or heart attack. Death of a mesothelioma patient safety solutions and crave. The people who are most likely to get the disease are those who face the constant exposure to risk factors such as

Shipyard Workers *
* Asbestos workers and miners ' industry.
* Industrial Zeolite ' Workers and miners.
* Construction Site Workers.
* Poof of fire materials manufacturers
* Cement Mixer
* Painter
Not just the above groups of people have a higher chance of contracting the disease but also their families run the risk of contracting this disease. Workers when they returned home with the dust of asbestos and asbestos fibers in their clothes and their families may be affected by this disease. Workers should take the following preventive measures:

1. They should wear protective clothing to work.
2. They have to change clothes and wash them before they leave home.
3. An expert should be used to detect if there is asbestos in housing and the nearby environment.

Mesothelioma Law Firm information

There are no guarantees in life. That's why, when you identify the cancer mesothelioma, it is important to file a lawsuit at the right time to get the compensation you deserve. There are many important legal factors such as time constraints and required to produce the coat, schedule asbestos exposure, and the amount of damages to the body because of working at a job where asbestos particles are inhaled daily and the employer did not have adequate protection against this.''

In order to determine the specific application from all kinds of factors, which requires specialized knowledge and professional expertise so that it is always wise to make a decision to use the services of a professional law mesothelioma. Sometimes damage to find exactly how much asbestos exposure that has been experienced by You as well as monetary policy in terms of health, mesothelioma lawyer can hire an exclusive investigators to look into the issue and to determine what compensation potential you get.
Many businesses in the field of asbestos have been compromising the safety of their employees to increase profits, and this has led to the exposure of asbestos particles without appropriate respiratory protection to filter out harmful contaminants. This has led to the development of mesothelioma cancer that began in the respiratory system.
If this scenario unfolds, mesothelioma law firm to view critical resources when starting a lawsuit against the company responsible. A law firm that was founded will handle your case free of charge and will reduce the compensation awarded to pay for the use of their company. You will also want to study the loss ratio WINS to find the best company to handle Your lawsuit.

Mesothelioma Law Firm - treatment options

Treatments for malignant mesothelioma have not been found, but the people affected by the disease still prefer another alternative to treatment with mixed methods or participate in various clinical trials. This type of mesothelioma treatment techniques are regularly performed with surgical procedures, drug therapy, and radiation therapy.

Supportive therapy to cope with the symptoms is to eliminate mucus or phlegm from the lungs through the posturaldrainase procedure, the chest percussion and vibration. With the granting of spray to thin the mucus. May also need to be given oxygen, either through a facemask (mask) or through a plastic tube that is placed in the nostrils. Sometimes also lung transplants carried out. The fatal Mesothelioma, chemotherapy is not very useful and not cure cancer tumor removal.

Mesothelioma Law Firm - malignant mesothelioma

Malignant Mesothelioma is a malignancy involving mesothelial cells in the human body, including pleural, peritoneal, perikardium, and testicles, either locally or diffuse. Most, but not all, cases of thoracic malignant mesothelioma is usually associated with asbestos exposure. Patients with thoracic malignant mesothelioma, 77% had been exposed to asbestos in the past. The Diagnosis of mesothelioma is hard to decide because the results of the analysis of pleural fluid due to cancer are usually not terdiagnostik. Mesothelioma is more common in men than women, and it happens most often in the Decade ages five to seven decades. The majority of cases (around 90%) of the malignant mesothelioma in the pleura.

Mesothelioma Law Firm -mesothelioma diagnosis

Mesothelioma Law Firm -mesothelioma diagnosis
Taylor Boerem, a boy aged 12 was diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma. On March 24, 2010, Taylor was diagnosed with stage 4 mesothelioma peritoneal. Mesothelioma is a form of cancer caused by asbestos exposure measures. Most cases of pleural mesothelioma types and develops in the lungs, but for peritoneal mesothelioma develops in the lining of the stomach.

It is indeed very rare for the seusiaTaylor people diagnosed with cancer malignant mesothelioma. When a person is exposed to asbestos, symptoms often occur between 20 and 50 years to appear. However, children who are exposed to asbestos are more prone to developing the disease compared to adults.

Taylor's parents, Trevor and Mary Boerem, seeing their children suffered weight loss, fatigue, headache, nausea and sweating at night, that all of these symptoms is malignant mesothelioma. The family initially tried chiropractic care prior to undergoing exploratory surgery on March 19, 2010.

After evaluating the results and additional tests, cancer is found around the belly. Mrs. Taylor Boerem says that research shows is the sixth child was diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma and is currently the youngest person who has cancer.

Taylor had undergone surgery and other treatments at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. Refers to a condition, Mrs. Taylor Boerem says, "he had heard from others about mesothelioma prognosis is.

Mesothelioma Law Firm -mesothelioma prognosis

Mesothelioma Law Firm -mesothelioma prognosis

About 2,000 to 3,000 new cases of mesothelioma cancer are diagnosed in the United States linked each year. After a patient is diagnosed, the doctor will likely discuss their prognosis. The best solution to avoid the poor prognosis of mesothelioma is through early detection. Factors related to the prognosis of mesothelioma Pembasan we are described as follows.

What factors affect the prognosis of mesothelioma?
In General, mesothelioma is not terdiagnosa until the final stages of development. In addition, symptoms of mesothelioma are very common and often resemble less serious conditions, which makes it difficult in diagnosing cancer. As a result, the prognosis for the majority of patients are very less, but many doctors who can recommend appropriate mesothelioma treatment options such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation to help fight the disease.

There are several stages to cancer mesothelioma disease, ranging from the first phase to phase four. Unfortunately, once mesothelioma cancer has reached stage three or four, not only treatment options become more limited, but became less effective as well.

In addition to the patient's age and stage of cancer, other factors that affect prognosis are:

* Type of mesothelioma-mesothelioma pleural, peritoneal mesothelioma, mesothelioma is pericardial mesothelioma or testicle
* The Size Of The Tumor
* Mesothelioma tumor Location and whether it can be done with surgery
* The level of other symptoms, including fluid in the lungs or abdomen
* If the patient is a smoker or not

Malignant mesothelioma cancer is usually diagnosed in individuals over the age of 55 years, although there are certain exceptions. Some patients who already have some medical problems caused by old age, making treatment more difficult and increase the prognosis is worse than patients of mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma Law Firm -Mesothelioma Information

Mesothelioma Law Firm -Mesothelioma Information - Tumor cells rarely found this mesotelial very often or most commonly occurs in the pleura (more rarely in the peritoneum and other places). Mesothelioma is a tumor that is related to exposure to asbestos at work in 90% of cases, but only 20% of all patients suffering from pulmonary asbestosis. Risk of life (not affected by smoking habit) in patients with severe exposure was 7-10% with a latent period between exposure and the onset of tumours-25-45 years. Among the workers of asbestos factory, carcinoma of the lung tumor is still the most frequently detected or the most common, the risk of lung carcinoma have elevated the real ones if there is smoke.

Clinical Overview of Mesothelioma patients found with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea and recurrent pleural effusion. Mesothelioma is a malignant tumor that attacks the lungs and can metastasize. Some patients with this tumor are still able to survive or just over 2 years.
The morphology of Tumours pulmonary crack spread on the surface and thus tmembentuk the sheath that surrounds the tumor. Microscopic pattern Epitelioid tumors (70%), sarkomatoid (20%) and mixed (biphasic) (10%).
• Epitelioid Pattern indicates a type of cells of the epithelium with papillary and tubular evaginations form resembling adenocarcinoma. Characteristics of antigenic peptides (kalretinin, WT-1 positive and ck5/6) and ultra (microvilli which are long and slender) allows this tumor with adenocarcinoma dihedakan (MOC3I BG8 and positive and has a short and stubby microvilli).
• Polo sarkomatoid shows malignant cells resembling a coil-shaped fibrosarcoma.

Mesothelioma Law Firm -mesothelioma lung cancer

Mesothelioma Law Firm  -mesothelioma lung cancer In developed countries, mainly industrialized countries, lung cancer is one of the main causes of death of all cancer deaths. Most patients with lung cancer are those aged 40 to 70 years. One of the factors that contribute to smoking and is 80% of lung cancer cases occur in smokers. Exposure to certain chemicals in the workplace is also related to the development of lung cancer.

Incidence rate also increased in lungs of workers who are exposed to some forms of nickel, chrome, and asbestos. Asbestos is widely used in the industry. In the industry, such as asbestos cement sheets and pipes, insulation materials, compounds for soldering, and tiles for the floor and the ceiling. Indoor air contamination, especially in schools, has become its own concerns in many countries. Some countries have even banned the use of asbestos in the formation and prohibiting the demolition of buildings that contain the compound.
System diseases caused by exposure to asbestos exposure including asbestosis, lung cancer, and mesothelioma. Other cancers associated with exposure to asbestos is a cancer of the larynx, esophagus, stomach, colon-rectum, and possibly pancreatic cancer.
Pleural Mesohtelioma is a rare type of cancer. Increased incidence of mesothelioma associated with inhalation of asbestos fibers in the work environment. Although originally only a few symptoms, mesothelioma can be cured if diagnosed with success. The time between exposure to asbestos and the appearance of the first signs of a tumor or ranged from 20 to 50 years, mesothelioma is special. Increased incidence of mesothelioma is also seen in the population, though not affected employment, residence or living with asbestos workers who live near asbestos emissions sources. Although asbestos is no longer used as an insulator, but it still became the spotlight because the danger comes from building sekatnya using asbestos.In developed countries, mainly industrialized countries, lung cancer is one of the main causes of death of all cancer deaths. Most patients with lung cancer are those aged 40 to 70 years. One of the factors that contribute to smoking and is 80% of lung cancer cases occur in smokers. Exposure to certain chemicals in the workplace is also related to the development of lung cancer.
Incidence rate also increased in lungs of workers who are exposed to some forms of nickel, chrome, and asbestos. Asbestos is widely used in the industry. In the industry, such as asbestos cement sheets and pipes, insulation materials, compounds for soldering, and tiles for the floor and the ceiling. Indoor air contamination, especially in schools, has become its own concerns in many countries. Some countries have even banned the use of asbestos in the formation and prohibiting the demolition of buildings that contain the compound.
System diseases caused by exposure to asbestos exposure including asbestosis, lung cancer, and mesothelioma. Other cancers associated with exposure to asbestos is a cancer of the larynx, esophagus, stomach, colon-rectum, and possibly pancreatic cancer.
Pleural Mesohtelioma is a rare type of cancer. Increased incidence of mesothelioma associated with inhalation of asbestos fibers in the work environment. Although originally only a few symptoms, mesothelioma can be cured if diagnosed with success. The time between exposure to asbestos and the appearance of the first signs of a tumor or ranged from 20 to 50 years, mesothelioma is special. Increased incidence of mesothelioma is also seen in the population, though not affected employment, residence or living with asbestos workers who live near asbestos emissions sources. Although asbestos is no longer used as an insulator, but it still became the spotlight because the danger comes from building sekatnya using asbestos.

Mesothelioma Law Firm - mesothelioma treatment

Mesothelioma Law Firm - mesothelioma treatment - After being diagnosed with mesothelioma, it is critical to quickly find the right doctor to treat mesothelioma and other forms of special treatment are available. Of course this also applies to other types of cancer. There are a lot of experts specializing in every type of cancer so as to provide the best care for their patients.

Because mesothelioma is a type of cancer, most doctors are not sure about the progress of symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of this disease. Therefore, it is very important that patients find specialists who are knowledgeable about all of the latest information on Mesothelioma. Well, what a Mesothelioma specialist Menemuan?. There are many ways to ask questions about Mesothelioma specialist. A referral from a doctor that will be very helpful when determining what the appropriate specialist physician for patients with mesothelioma cancer.

A doctor who has decided to become a specialist Mesothelioma must have a license to practice medicine and also a special examination has passed this disease. There are many specialists who focus on a specific type of thoracic surgical oncologists, medical oncologists, and radiation oncology, and they will work together to formulate the best plan for treatment and care. Not only specialists are involved, but other health professionals are also involved. Pathologist, respiratory therapists, social workers and psychiatrists can all help in tackling the aggressive form of cancer.

And when you are choosing a Mesothelioma doctor, it is important to ask a lot of questions and ask for physician education background. The relationship between patient and doctor should be built on the basis of trust and respect. Keep the lines of communication open will ensure that the plan of care and treatment can be done well.

Tips for Choosing a Good Health Insurance

Tips for Choosing a Good Health Insurance - The adage says that health is wealth expensive. True, and the next day, health will be increasingly important for us. We are getting older age is inversely related to the physical and environmental conditions of diminishing. Fortunately for those who have prepared themselves with good health insurance for individuals and families.

What is a health insurance ( health insurance )? According to Wikipedia, the definition of health insurance is a type of insurance product that specifically guarantees the cost of health insurance or the members of the care if they fall ill or have an accident. Broadly speaking there are two types of treatments offered by insurance companies, namely hospitalization ( in- patient treatment) and outpatient care ( out - patient treatment).

In Indonesia there are many types of health insurance in circulation. Each claimed to be the best health insurance. If we read all the brochures or newsletters from the insurance companies, we will be confused myself. Where health insurance is good and which ones are less or not good.

For that we need to find common ground between the needs of our insurance with the health insurance programs they offer. Therefore, each individual has different insurance needs. Similarly, each insurance company has a product, system and different premium payment.

First of all the reasons you first clear the health insurance program. If briefly summarized, in general, the reason someone 's health insurance program are :
  • Awareness and understanding that health care is expensive.
  • Hospital costs are getting higher.
  • Unpredictable health conditions ( unpredictable ).
  • High- risk job because working in the field.
  • Do not have the protection of the office / workplace.
  • Working as self-employed and do not have health financing.
  • So that if treated in hospitals can be free.

Choosing a good health insurance

Usually the one consideration in choosing health insurance are: how much benefit for inpatient, outpatient, ambulatory surgery , etc. . But in fact there are other things more important and should be a priority in choosing insurance. Here are some tips on choosing health insurance are:

1. Choose the insurance to cover critical illnesses
Belonging to the critical illness eg heart disease, cancer, tumor, stroke etc. It is the disease most feared by everyone. As a result of an unhealthy lifestyle, stress, obesity etc, people with the disease every year in increasing numbers . Sources said that the WHO, 90 % of the world's population who died earlier critical disease.

It is no secret that in Indonesia treatment for a variety of critical illnesses is very expensive. That is why consideration of critical illness cover should be a priority in choosing health insurance .

All you have to do is check and ask the agent that offers health insurance: Does insurance cover for critical illness protection? How critical illnesses dicovernya? Check and calculate how much protection that is destined for the critical illness and whether it is sufficient for the cost of the future?

2. Choose the insurance that covers total permanent disability
In addition to the critical illness cover, the other important thing is that the priority of such insurance must also cover the total permanent disability, either because of illness or accident so that the question can not work anymore. Also make sure that the insurance provides protection with a total permanent disability claim paid directly in cash instead of a gradual or " installments". Good health insurance usually after removing the lid indirect protection policy or break customer relationships.

3. Protection period
If you decide to have protection at this time, then you also have to count to your age will be protected, because the 5 -year course only difference will be very important for you not? Insurance firms that claim good product should have the longest period of protection, especially for critical illness benefits ( up to 70 -year -old client ).

In choosing a good health insurance should be based on the understanding that the decision to protect yourself and your family with insurance that is not solely for the protection of the health risks today or tomorrow, but for a few years or decades to come.

4. Customer Testimonials
Choose an insurance company that is reliable and has a good testimony from people who have used his services. Please check directly with co-workers, friends or neighbors who have used the services of the company. Take advantage of the Internet to find references about the testimonials of people who already use the insurance services.

5. Assessment of media
Choose health insurance has received the title of good judgment from a variety of media, such as Media Insurance and Insurance Media Research Institute ( Irma ) of Indonesia. Every year, both institutions are routinely held awards event for companies in the insurance field called Insurance Award. Assessment should not refer to only one or two institutions. More and more organizations or media that rewards, will be better.

Why Life Insurance Should Participate?

Why Life Insurance Should Participate? - That afternoon I and my friends decided to play to the home of a school friend, let's call it A. Around two o'clock, the phone rang at home and reported that a friend of ours named Ida, was asked to go home because there are sick at home. Ida was rushed home accompanied by one of our own, while others continue to play. About an hour later, we heard the news that Ida was asked to go home because her father died. This incident shocked us all because of Ida 's father had been in good health and his age was 42 years.

After the death of his father, Ida became quiet. At first I thought Ida was still sad loss of his father. However, this situation continued until a year after his father died. Ida told me that his mother trouble financing their families. Ida 's father is the family's main provider, but it does not meninggakan property enough to support his family in the long run. During this time their lives are fine because the work of Ida 's father can meet the needs of the family, while Ida 's mother is a housewife who sometimes received catering orders from neighbors to contribute little in their family finances.

This event occurred 18 years ago. However, I still remember that lesson to this day. That age has its limits and we will never know when it's our turn to leave this world. People often asked that we prepare deeds for us to take it to the next. Rarely remember that there are families who need our care financially. When I asked, ready your family financially if you suddenly abandon them? Is your answer?

Well, it's never too late. It is time we look at the condition of their families and begin to analyze the situation . Are there family members who can not eat, can not the school, can not pay rent, can not pay electricity and others, if you are not there? If you answered yes, you'll want to prepare the family after the death of your financial condition. The trick? Have life insurance.

Simply put, life insurance is insurance that is issued a sum assured to the beneficiary if the insured, or the insured person in the policy dies during the coverage period. The amount of the sum assured and term duration of protection depends on your income and your individual situation. A head of a family with two school-age children and spouse who does not work of course require different protection to someone who is not married but her parents bear.

How long should a period of protection? The ideal time period of life insurance is up to the age of productive ends. For example, you are planning to retire at the age of 55 years and now you are 38 years of age, then you need life insurance protection for a period of 15 years. Although we want to live longer, we do not need life insurance because ideally we should prepare pension fund other than life insurance. Life insurance is just we need as we prepare a buffer for the active asset.

A person with a high net worth and can cover the family's needs for a longer period of such wealth , may not need life insurance even though they belong to the productive age. Because of its assets can be managed and used to meet the needs of the family even if that person has died.

If it turns out you need life insurance, make sure the insurance money or money spent by insurance companies enough to meet the needs of your family in a long period of time if the primary breadwinner died. Sum insured is too low will not be of much use for the long term.

Remember that the same money value will decrease in value in the future due to inflation . Simply put , the value of money one billion, fifteen years would be equal in value to U.S. $ 239 million today. While the sum assured that is too high will make it difficult for your current premium payment, then also consider this when you buy life insurance.

With a hard-fought, Ida family finally made ​​it through the ordeal of their financial and drove youngest sister graduated from college. Currently Ida is married , has a child and life insurance in the name of her husband as he is the main provider of the family. Hopefully Ida experience can be a lesson for us of the importance of life insurance.

So, why is life insurance ? Why not ? !

Insurance What is Most Important?

I plan to follow the insurance protection , with the benefit allowances , divided between health , accident , disability , and death . But each coverage is not great enough money to support the cost of treatment . While I worry about health problems and uncertainties in the future .

My question : is there any other financial plan better to cover my health care needs in the future (other than insurance ) ? While I have no plans to raise an emergency fund and saving to buy a house . Which should I prioritize first? Thank you in advance .

Glad to hear it . Gita young 've got big plans in the future . Rarely do you know that so long thinking .

The insurance function for protection . So it should be calculated coverage is really money , how to be protection enough . According to our analysis , various types of insurance are often not effective when combined and become more expensive . Try it checks Gita , what if each type of insurance was separated . May even be more effective and less expensive .

For example , health insurance buy pure , pure accident insurance , critical illness insurance and pure . No need to be merged , especially combined with the investment . But for the life insurance , if the Gita was single , actually do not need life insurance . Life insurance is necessary for those who already own income and dependents , as a function of life insurance is to replace income if we die . So , people who have been living on our income will still be able to survive even though we have gone .

No need to buy insurance that we do not need . Likewise for health insurance . If you already are covered by the company , no longer need to buy health insurance . Simply buy insurance that we really need. Another way to set up a fund in addition to health insurance is to save and invest . But in line with the setting up health fund , we also have to set aside emergency funds for other financial goals simultaneously . In general , the priority is : an emergency fund , and protection , the new funds , and other purposes in accordance with the needs and priorities of each of us .

Know Homeschooling Education System

Know Homeschooling Education System - What is a homeschool education system ? This is an activity that is done by the parents in educating their children at home in full . It is a different step in which parents generally send their children to public schools while parents homeschooling category educate children at home instead . Homeschooling education system as manuai comeback after the United States .

Why is called a comeback ? Of course it is because it is derived from the first school house in which parents teach many things to the children before the buildings are actually authorized to send children . There are several reasons why homeschooling become one of the parents and , among others, are as follows .
  • Schools do not teach moral values ​​to children in full . seen , the school does not have character education system as well as a good religion that is able to directly negatively impact a child .
  • School is not an ideal educational institution . In the school , there are many elements that can make children feel stress . Child's friends are bullying actions , criminal actions are prone to happen , the way teachers teach is not good , and so make the parents are so worried about when to send children to public schools .
  • Do not agree with the curriculum and educational philosophy . Parents prefer to send their children at home because they do not have an understanding of some of the elements included in the curriculum , educational approaches , and learn the system . They prefer to choose the best for children and homeschooling becomes a major way .

Homeschooling education system does reap many advantages but also not a few existing deficiencies . Here are a few things related to the educational advantages and disadvantages .

The advantages of homeschooling :
  • In accordance with the needs of the child and family conditions .
  • Children have the opportunity to be creative and independent personally not found in public schools .
  • Maximizing the potential of children early because the education system is not limited by time as in public schools .
  • Children are better able to plunge into the real world because of the learning process associated with the day-to- day activities .
  • The cost of education is able to be adapted to the conditions of the elderly

Disadvantages of homeschooling :
  1. Need commitment from parents .
  2. Socialization relatively low lifetime .
  3. Children have the attitude is less team work , good organization , and leadership wise .

Those are some things about homeschooling education system that hopefully can provide useful knowledge to you .

Homeschooling: Home School or Home School

Homeschooling: Home School or Home School  - Homeschooling ( Home School ) are now starting to become one of the preferred model of parents in directing their children in education . This option appears because of the parents ' views about the suitability of an interest by the children . Homeschooling is mostly done in large cities , especially by those who never do so when they are abroad .

In Indonesia, where homeschooling has begun mushrooming in Jakarta and other big cities . For the first stage , where the home-based model of teaching and learning has not reaped the interest of the general public .

But now , its existence actually widely used middle class and above , such as the artist , and the entertainer . Not infrequently found among the sportsmen , national athletes are also among ordinary stay home as classrooms .

" I want my children are not left behind as the activity model lessons . Concentration to learn and gain knowledge remains my priority to Ayu , " said Tini , the parents of Ayu , owned homeschooling high school student in Seto Mulyadi when contacted .

Schedule outside school longer and learn concentration was worried . To schedule Ayu who is a model , adapted to the tough school schedule in general , had to make it lagged one smester .

Meanwhile , the choice of homeschooling is the desire to learn from Ivan , high school students in the same place . " He is wanted in the home , parents also happen to desire , Iwan so we can control , " said Ike mother.

Model Development of Education System

Homeschooling ( School house ) , according to the Director of Equality Education Ministry of National Education ( MONE ) Yulaelawati Ella , is the process of consciously educational services , regular and purposeful performed by parents or family and learning process also takes place in a conducive environment .

The goal is that each child's unique potential to develop optimally . The same formulation was also held by institutions other educators began to intensify means of providing homeschooling program .

There are several reasons why parents choose a school in Indonesia over the house . Kecendrungannya among others , could emphasize the moral or religious education , expanding the social environment and of course a better learning environment , in addition to providing direct instruction are contextual , thematic , nonskolastik are not discontinuous by limitations of science .

According to Ela Yuliawati , this view gives a broad sense to everyone to express more desire and ability to gain knowledge , not only in the school called . Even the chance of getting more science also has a great opportunity in line with the development of education .

This then makes homeschooling chosen as one of alternative teaching and learning process in the development of education in Indonesia . Until then homeschooling model ( School House ) included in the revised education law No. 20 of 2003 .

Application of Homeschooling

According to Seto Mulyadi , chairman of the National Commission on Children , the emergence of homeschooling as an alternative is necessary to prove its success as a competition draw process through non-formal system .

Etymologically , home schooling ( HS ) was held at the home school . Although called home schoooling , does not mean the child will continue to learn at home , but children can learn anywhere and at any time the circumstances of origin really comfortable and fun just like being at home . Individual excellence is what gives meaning to the integration of subjects to students .

Seto said , need the full support of the parents to learn , create creative learning and fun , and maintain the interest and enthusiasm of children's learning . Because behind the ease , home school parents also need patience , cooperation among family members, and consistent in the habit of planting .

Seto dismiss mistakenly judged a number of myths about homeschooling so far . For example , children less sociable , parents can not be a teacher , a parent should know everything , parents should take the time 8 hours a day , learning time is not as much time learning formal school , children are not accustomed to discipline and their own wishes , can not get a diploma and moving point into the formal school , not able to compete , and homeschooling is expensive . " It was wrong , " he said .

There are several classifications of homeschooling formats , namely :

  1. homeschooling single Implemented by parents in families without joining the others for a particular case or for remote locations .
  2. homeschooling compound Carried out by two or more families for certain activities while still main activities carried out by their parents . The reason : there are needs that can be compromised by several families to do activities together . For example, the curriculum of the Consortium , sports activities ( eg family tennis athletes ) , music skills / arts , social activities and religious activities
  3. homeschooling community Joint compound some homeschooling that make up and define the syllabus , teaching materials , the principal activities (sports , music / arts and languages ​​) , facilities / infrastructure and learning schedule . Commitment organizing learning between parents and communities about 50:50 .

The reason for choosing homeschooling community , among others :

  • Structured and more complete for academic education , noble character development and the achievement of learning outcomes
  • There is a better learning facilities eg workshops , natural laboratory , library , science lab / Language , auditorium , sports facilities and arts
  • Reduced Space wider dissemination learners but can be controlled
  • Support larger because each is responsible for teaching the appropriate skills each individual
  • Suitable for children over 10 years
  • Combining family live far away through the internet and other information tools to reject the appeal ( benchmarking ) included for standardization

challenge homeschooling

During its development , homeschooling is also facing several challenges , namely :

1 . homeschooling single

  • Difficulty in getting support / place to ask , share and inversely success
  • Less socializing place for self-expression as a condition of passage
  • Parents should make an assessment of educational outcomes and seek penyetaraannya

2 . homeschooling compound

  • Need to compromise and flexibility of schedule , the atmosphere , the facilities and certain activities
  • Need an expert in a particular field even though " presence " parents should remain
  • Children with expertise / special activities must adjust / accept other environments with and accept " differences " as the other processes of identity formation
  • Parents homeschooling each operator must conduct themselves penyetaraannya

3 . homeschooling community

  • The need for compromise and flexibility of schedule , the atmosphere , the facilities and the specific activities that can be implemented together
  • The need for professional supervision so that the necessary expertise in a particular field even though " presence " parents should remain
  • Children with special skills or activities should also be able to adjust with other environmental and accept " differences " as the other processes of identity formation .

The strength of homeschooling

As an alternative education , home schooling also has some strengths and weaknesses . Strengths / advantages of homeschooling are :

  • More giving independence and individual creativity instead of learning the classical
  • Provide opportunities for achieving individual competence as much as possible so it does not always have to be limited to comparing with the highest ability , or even the average lowest
  • Protected from the " brawl " , delinquency , drug , socially deviant , consumerism and snack food malnutrition - More hanging out with adults as role models
  • More prepared for real life
  • More encouraged to perform religious activities , recreation / sports family
  • Helping children are more developed , to understand himself and his role in the real world with freedom of speech , or reject certain agreed values ​​nlai without fear to get reproach from friend or a value less
  • Membelajarkan children with a variety of situations , conditions and social environment
  • Still provide opportunities to interact with peers outside of hours learning

While the weakness of homeschooling are :

  • Children who learn in less homeschooling interact with peers from different social status can provide valuable experience to learn to live in the community
  • Schools are places of learning typical to train children to compete and achieve maximum success
  • Homeschooling can isolate students from the realities that are less fun to be influential in the development of individual
  • If the child just learned in homeschooling , chances are he will be isolated from the social environment less favorable so he will be less prepared to deal with the error or uncertainty

Prerequisites success of homeschooling

In order for homeschooling can be executed properly and the child can feel comfortable in learning , then there are some prerequisites of success in carrying out homeschooling , namely :

  • Willingness and round determination
  • Discipline learning - learning deeply held
  • Availability of sufficient time
  • Flexibility in approach to learning
  • The ability of parents to manage activities
  • Availability of learning resources
  • Compliance with prescribed standards
  • Law enforcement
  • Convening outreach programs so that the children are not alienated from society and peers
  • DI leaders in cooperation with institutions of local formal and informal education in accordance with the principles of openness and multimakna
  • Intertwined good communication between the organizers of homeschooling
  • Availability of innovative learning assessment tools ( eg in the form of portfolio and colloquia )

Parents , Teachers Also Friend

Then , what is to be considered by parents in the school held a house ? Seto said , parents should make the child as a friend to learn and put myself as a facilitator . " " Parents need to understand that the child is not a miniature adult , " he said .

" Son , " Seto said , " Keep playing . Was the need to be understood by parents . Hence, parents should not be arrogant to put yourself as a teacher , but learning together . Otherwise it ready by then, according to Seto , better not organize home school . "

" The old man , still need to continue to add knowledge . Not must master all kinds of knowledge , which is important , having an understanding of the child . If the parents do not understand biology or mathematics , for example , parents can bring in teachers for the lessons and learning with the children. thus , the child will feel lower , but as the friend of learning , "said Kak Seto added .

What about the parents who work so feel not have time to give lessons to children in organizing homeschool ? Seto said , " it should not be an excuse . "

" No matter how busy parents , still have to have time for children . If you do not have the time , do not have children , " said psychologist who also organizes homeschooling for her eldest son .

Home school learning should conform with the standards of competence which has been determined by the Ministry of National Education . This is in line with the growth and ability of the child , in addition to be included in the evaluation and exams are held nationally .

Standards of competence becomes a must-have guide a child in a particular class . Children sixth grade or equivalent , for example , should have at least mastered math to some extent anyway . " The standard of competency, " Seto said , " Can be obtained at the Department of Education 's in their respective areas . "

Evaluation for children who attend homeschooling can be done by having the test package A which is equivalent to elementary or junior high B Package . "Basically , " says Seto , " The evaluation can also be done with its main office to the existing formal education . " According to him , this should be done because the school is not a school house wild . Presumably the parents should be filled up first before conducting a home school for the baby .

Insurance Coverage in Human Life

Insurance Coverage in Human Life - Whatever stage of life that is now passed, insurance is a program that is very valuable in helping you achieve your goals . Are you a young professional singles who are saving to buy your first car or home , parents who are planning the future of your children or retirees who are looking for the most secure means of investment , insurance can help you meet the demands you face any life stage you go through the middle .

Begin as early as possible to obtain the maximum benefits of insurance .
  1. Young & Without Dependents
  2. Single Professionals
  3. Young couple
  4. Endowed Kids
  5. The Golden Years

Young & Without Dependents

You have just entered the stage of life in which the school and costs , the teacher , exams , friends and parties are part of your past . Or perhaps not entirely the past . But it is clear , now everything should be taken a bit more seriously . Moreover you are now busy building a career or are planning your wedding that will take place soon .

For that you must already have to start saving , especially soon you will share your life with your loved ones . Or if you still want to be single , however, the savings still needed as an umbrella before it rains . Maybe you want to set aside part of your salary to help the elderly or send sister . Such things and many other financial needs which also received major attention from PT AJ Sequislife . Submit structuring your future is safe and secure to us , so your preparation has been steady if you have to face a really serious problem .

Single Professionals

You are now truly enjoy your life as a professional who was single . There is not anything that can stop the pace of your career . Your financial situation is fully supported by a high-paying job , and you basically do not have to worry about other family members that have to be financed .

However , undesirable events may occur at any time and for that you need the protection of yourself . Or maybe you intend to ease the burden of living expenses of your parents . In fact , there is just a chance you still want to help pay for the education of your brothers . Furthermore , there are various dreams you want to achieve : improve your lifestyle or enjoy the benefit of your investment funds . Spend a bit of your time is very precious to figure out how PT AJ Sequislife can help meet your various needs .

Young couple

Congratulations enter your new life ! You just got your loyal oath and now you are being shared joy and sorrow with your life partner . Must bear the burden of shared responsibility and shared joy and sorrow it sounds a bit scary . But if you can put different wants and needs in the priority list right then you do not need to worry . If you plan to own a home through a loan , it is better if you consider that the payment protection program can continue if something happens to one of you . The next consideration concerns the descent of course , that requires no small amount of funds to pay for prenatal care , birth and child's regular doctor visits . Not to mention the matter of their education . And of course you always wanted to improve your lifestyle , vacationing with my beloved partner or have your dream car . Whatever your needs a priority , PT AJ Sequislife offers a range of products that can help lighten your load .

Endowed Kids

Now you come to the stage of your life where your time is never enough . So many things to do and so many roles set and you must meet : a life partner who is full understanding and support , educate parents with affection , filial son to parents and professionals reliable . With so many responsibilities that concentrated on yourself , it's time you think of ways to provide protection to those who are your dependents . Other responsibilities are no less important is to provide the best education for your child as a provision of their lives later in life .

While there are main constraints : the cost of education is increasingly rising . But if you are getting an early start saving then it is likely that the accumulation of funds for education will be even greater . And maybe you feel that it is still too early to think about retirement . However , if you start setting aside some of your income from now , maybe you can still enjoy a fairly comfortable retirement . PT AJ Sequislife offer the right solution for your every need .

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Multiple Intelligences Theory

Multiple Intelligences Theory aims to transform school to school later to accommodate each student with a variety of unique patterns of thought . Howard Gardner (1993 ) asserted that the intelligence scale that had been used , it has many limitations that are less able to predict performance for one's future success . According to Gardner , the intelligence of a person includes the elements of logical mathematical intelligence , linguistic intelligence , musical intelligence , visual-spatial intelligence , kinesthetic intelligence , interpersonal intelligence , intrapersonal intelligence , and naturalist intelligence . In detail, each of these intelligence is described as follows :

1 . Logical - mathematical intelligence

Mathematical - logical intelligence indicates a person's ability to think inductively and deductively , according to the rules of logical thinking , understanding and analyzing patterns of numbers , and solve problems using thinking skills . Learners with high logic - mathematical intelligence tend to like activities analyze and learn cause and effect of something happening .

He like to think conceptually , eg generating hypotheses and conduct categorization and classification of what he faced . Such learners tend to like math activity and has high speed in solving mathematical problems . If not understand , they will tend to try to ask and seek answers to the things that are less understood .

Learners are also very much liked the variety of games that involve active thinking activities , such as playing chess and puzzles .

2 . intelligence language

Intelligence language indicates a person's ability to use language and words , both written and verbal , in many different forms to express their ideas. Language learners with high intelligence are generally characterized by pleasure in activities related to the use of a language such as reading , writing essays , poetry , composing aphorisms , and so on .

Such learners also tend to have a strong memory , for example the names of people , new terms , and the things that are detailed . They tend to be easier to learn by listening and verbalization . In terms of mastery of a new language , these learners generally have a higher capacity than other learners .

3 . Musical intelligence ?

Musical intelligence indicates a person's ability to be sensitive to nonverbal sounds that are around him , including in this case is the tone and rhythm .

Learners of this type tend to be happy to listen to a wonderful tone and rhythm , either through its own dilagukannya chanting , listening to a tape recorder , radio , orchestra performances , or plays a musical instrument itself . They are also easier to remember something and express ideas when linked with music .

4 . Visual - spatial intelligence

Visual - spatial intelligence indicates a person's ability to understand more fully the relationship between objects and space . The learners have the ability , for example , to create a form in his mind 's imagination or the ability to create three- dimensional forms such as found in adults who became a sculptor or architect of the building .

The ability to imagine a real form and then solve various problems in connection with this ability is the thing that stands out on the type of visual - spatial intelligence . Thus learners will excel , for example in the game searching for traces on a scouting activities .

5 . kinesthetic intelligence

Kinesthetic intelligence indicates a person's ability to actively use the parts or the whole body to communicate and solve problems .

It can be found on learners who excel in one sport , like badminton , football , tennis , swimming , and so on , or can also be found on the learner who is good at dancing , acrobatics skilled play , or excel in playing magic .

6 . interpersonal intelligence

Interpersonal intelligence indicates a person's ability to be sensitive to the feelings of others. They tend to understand and interact with others so easily socialize with their surroundings .

Such intelligence is often referred to as social intelligence , which in addition to the ability to establish an intimate friendship with a friend , also includes capabilities such as lead , organize , handle disputes between friends , gain sympathy from other students , and so on .

7 . Intrapersonal intelligence ?

Intrapersonal intelligence indicates a person's ability to be sensitive to the feelings of his own . He tends to be able to recognize the strengths and weaknesses in himself. Such learners are happy to do self introspection , to correct deficiencies and weaknesses , and then try to improve themselves . Some of them tend to like the silence and solitude , reflection , and dialogue with itself .

8 . naturalist intelligence

Naturalist intelligence indicates a person's ability to be sensitive to the natural environment , for example, happy to be in an open natural environment such as the beach , mountains , nature reserves , or forest .

Learners with intelligence like this tend to like to observe the natural environment such as various kinds of rocks , the types of soil layers , various kinds of flora and fauna , celestial bodies , and so on .

Through his concept of multiple intelligences or multiple intelligences Gardner corrects the limitations of the conventional ways of thinking about intelligence from single to plural .

Intelligence is not limited to intelligence as measured by intelligence tests using some of the narrow course , or simply look at achievements displayed a learner through repetition and exams at school alone , but intelligence also illustrates the ability of students in the fields of art , spatial , sports , communicate , and love of the environment .

Cope with a Fussy Baby

Cope with a Fussy Baby - Having a baby is a dream of a family it is no wonder that so many families getting the baby as soon as possible after removing the bachelor . But do you know if being a father or mother to the baby is that you can be a hassle when the baby is fussy middle . Well so this time I want to create an article that can help you to cope with a fussy baby . That's a problem that may often faced by some parents .

Overcoming Fussy Baby Stop Crying Not Visit For you who have a baby , sometimes you will be facing a situation where there are times when babies are fussy or crying sometimes create confusion to calm him down . Surely you also know that the baby had not been able to communicate through verbal language and crying is the only way for babies to communicate something to you .

Some of you still have a mystical notion that if the baby is fussy and prolonged crying because the baby might see a ghost or other supernatural things that interfere with the baby . But regardless of whether or not these assumptions , here are some tips or ways that you can make a guide to overcome a fussy baby :

Asi try to give at bedtime is coming , breastfeeding baby will make you feel full and comfortable so baby can sleep soundly . Try to check his diaper if your baby suddenly fussy or crying , no wet diapers for pee possibility or even bowel movements . Because of the wet diaper make your baby uncomfortable and being fussy . If clothes were wet from perspiration can also cause your baby fussy . Try to keep the temperature of the room where your baby is between 25 degrees to 27 degrees Celsius , good air circulation is also worth noting that the baby you get fresh air in the room .

Something alien also can cause you fussy baby for example a dark room or too noisy , insect bites . Sometimes babies fuss dikarnakan fatigue , try to gently massage his body so that he feels rilex . If the palm of his hands and feet were cold means baby you 're feeling cold , put the socks and gloves to keep the baby warm. Keep in mind that sometimes the baby does not feel cold chills if an early age , especially in infants . When sleep is disrupted , ninabobokan picked up by gently humming . Babies like something soft and warm . Colic in babies is the most dominant factor in the problem fussy baby , cry and even scream characterized by prolonged usually occurs at night . If colic in babies try to undermine longstanding onions mixed with oil and rubbed on the abdomen Telon baby , especially at the navel , chest and a baby gendonglah caress her back gently , this will help relieve pain in infants .

Sometimes your baby will feel bored and this makes it became fussy , try to buy or provide some toys that could make him happy again .

La CDC admet 98 millions des personnes qui ont reçu des vaccins contre la polio contaminés par le virus causant le cancer

Les Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC) , a de nouveau été pris suppression pertinente, mais traitées information sur les vaccins pour votre site web .

Cette fois, c'est le vaccin contre la polio infâme, jusqu'à 98 millions de doses qui ont été montrés pour contenir virus cancérigène , croit maintenant être responsable millions de cas de cancer aux États-Unis , selon les CDC .
L' information a été publiée dans une feuille d'information officiel intitulé Cancer CDC, le virus simien 40 (SV40 ) , et le vaccin contre la polio , qui a déjà été retiré du site Web CDC . Heureusement, pouvait page d'archive avant la condamnation CDC finalement éliminé , probablement parce que le SV40 a reçu beaucoup d'attention ces derniers temps en raison de son lien pour causer le cancer .
Vous pouvez voir un lien vers la page d'origine CDC SV40 et le vaccin contre la polio, qui n'est plus actif , ici:
Comme vous pouvez le voir sur la page archivée CDC, le virus SV40 aurait été découvert chez des singes en 1960 , et bientôt commencé à apparaître de façon inattendue dans les vaccins contre la polio . Le virus SV40 , selon cette même page, a été liée à causer une variété de cancers humains , y compris la leucémie infantile , cancer du poumon, cancer des os, et le lymphome non hodgkinien .
Bien que la CDC a nié un lien de causalité certain entre SV40 et le cancer, implique que le virus , qui soi-disant a été retiré de tous les vaccins contre la polio en 1963, était problématique en ce qui concerne le développement du cancer . 

Plus de 98 millions de personnes , en fait, peuvent avoir été exposées au SV40 à la suite de la réception des vaccins contre la polio recommandés par le gouvernement dans les années 1960 , et beaucoup d'entre eux ont développé un cancer à la suite .
"Plus de 98 millions d'Américains ont reçu une ou plusieurs doses de vaccin antipoliomyélitique 1955-1963 , quand une partie du vaccin a été contaminé par SV40. », Dit le CDC . " On estime que de 10 à 30 millions d'Américains ont peut-être reçu une dose de vaccin contaminé SV40 . "Le virus SV40 dans les vaccins contre la polio liée à un cancer des os , le mésothéliome
Alors, pourquoi le retrait soudain de cette importante information sur le site du CDC ? La page en cache CDC , comme vous pourrez le constater, est fixé à décourager leurs lecteurs à penser que le SV40 a été définitivement lié à causer le cancer, même si il a été démontré en 1961 par le National Institute of Health (NIH) SV40 qui est directement liée à provoquer la formation de tumeurs .
" Comme d'autres polyomavirus SV40 est un virus à ADN qui a été trouvé pour causer des tumeurs et des cancers », explique . " On croit que supprime SV40 propriétés transcriptionnelle des gènes suppresseurs de tumeurs chez l'homme à travers les SV40 antigène grand T et petit antigène T de SV40 . Gènes mutés peuvent contribuer à la prolifération cellulaire incontrôlée qui mène au cancer. "
En ce qui concerne les conditions particulières liées à SV40, Michele Carbone, professeur de pathologie à l'Université Loyola de Chicago , a constaté que le virus est présent dans de nombreux cas de cancer de l'os de l'ostéosarcome et la variété de cancer du poumon de plus en plus connu comme le mésothéliome . 

En conséquence, le Carbone SV40 identifiés dans environ un tiers de tous les cas étudiés, l'ostéosarcome et 40 pour cent d'autres cancers des os . La même chose était vraie pour 60 pour cent de tous les cas de mésothéliome.
" De nombreuses autorités admettent maintenant beaucoup , peut-être la plupart des cancers du monde proviennent de l' Sabin vaccins contre la polio Salk et , et le vaccin contre l'hépatite B produit chez les singes et les chimpanzés », ajoute .

«On dit que le mésothéliome est une conséquence de l'exposition à l'amiante, cependant , la recherche montre que 50 pour cent des mésothéliomes actuels étant traités ne se produisent plus à cause de l'amiante , mais le virus SV40 contenue dans le vaccin contre la polio ».

TSJPV reconnu l'origine professionnelle d'un mésothéliome qui a tué un ancien ouvrier

La Chambre de la Cour supérieure de Justice du Pays Basque ( TSJPV ) a estimé la ressource de la veuve de MAL - anciens employés du chantier naval espagnol, décédé le 21 mai 2010 en raison d'un mésothéliome pleural.

 tout en reconnaissant que l'origine une maladie professionnelle , conduisant à une amélioration de la pension de la veuve et de paver la voie à d'autres demandes de dommages et violations suppléments préventifs .

Comme l'a signalé ASVIAMIE , Association Basque des victimes de l'amiante , MAL effectuées depuis plus de 20 ans de travail peinture, soudage de tuyaux et d'autres activités sur les navires construits dans le chantier naval de La jusqu'en 1990, quand il a démissionné après une déclaration permanent maladie courante des personnes handicapées. Le 19 Février 2010, a été diagnostiqué avec le mésothéliome pleural et mourut trois mois plus tard .

Le tribunal du travail n ° 4 de Bilbao 03/06/13 rejeté la demande de la reconnaissance de la pension de la veuve de maladie professionnelle , sur la base que « pas établi la probabilité d'exposition à l'amiante au travail » basé sur le refus d'une telle exposition , pour le Naval, Asepeyo mutuelle , Fraternité , Mutualia et de la Sécurité sociale du Trésor.

ASVIAMIE regretté la décision de cette décision, «malgré le mésothéliome pleural est une maladie résultant uniquement de l' exposition à l'amiante et inclus dans la liste des maladies professionnelles et l'existence de nombreux milieux, avec des cas similaires soient reconnues et l'utilisation incontestable et l'exposition aux fibres d'amiante pendant les décennies des années 70 et 80 dans les chantiers navals espagnols , sans aucune mesure de protection " .

Comme il a critiqué les "sociétés durs manifestent de la résistance , les employeurs communs de placement , y compris la sécurité sociale , ainsi que des rapports techniques OSALAN hésitante, sont une tentative flagrante de cacher ces institutions amiante catastrophe sanitaire avec un mépris total pour les victimes et leurs familles. "

«D'abord laisser l'échec scandaleux de la législation globale sur l'amiante ( comme l'a noté la Cour suprême) , ainsi que d'autres substances cancérogènes en milieu de travail , sans aucune information sur les risques , soutenue ensuite par le manque de présence de preuves documentées de l'amiante et d'essayer de nier l'origine professionnelle de maladies " , at-il plaint .

L'association des victimes de l'amiante Basque considère ce nouveau jugement TSJPV montre que « uni et organisé les victimes , nous pouvons surmonter l'obstacle qui paralyse veut cacher tant de maladies et de décès injustifié».

Par conséquent , il a encouragé tous les travailleurs retraités et actifs qui ont été en contact avec les fibres cancérigènes, il ya des décennies dans son travail , à appliquer " avant de tomber malade , " l'inclusion dans la surveillance de la santé des plans de désamiantage poste du travail en réponse aux tentatives de «cacher la relation entre respiratoire maladies à prévention violations qu'elles ont subi. "

How to Maintain the Health of Pregnant Women

How to Maintain the Health of Pregnant Women - Pregnant women maintain a healthy body is not difficult . Things - practical things that are sometimes overlooked by a pregnant woman it can be a problem for the health of the fetus is also when the neglected So here are 10 Ways to maintain the health of pregnant women that I share from head to toe . Hope can be done daily .

Keeping the face and head area health

Often pregnant women should ask hair dyed during pregnancy ? Heck should postpone . Given a drug used to paint and hair perming substances are toxic ( poisonous ) . Sometimes there are also complaints of hair loss and grow hair on the forehead smooth become a problem for pregnant women . But do not worry it's only temporary nature due to hormonal changes of pregnancy . Cleanliness of the area and head hair can be done with regular shampooing . Pregnant women should do a light massage on the face and head for relaxation .

Pregnant women sometimes see her reflection when there are spots . Mothers do not need to worry with dark or brown spots on the face ( cloasma gravidarum ) . It was also due to hormonal changes that stimulate pigmentation on the face and neck . No need to smear a wide - range of whitening cream . After pregnancy changes the color of the brown spots will go away .

Breathe clean air .

Pregnant women should be careful - careful choosing where the morning . Do not let the nose too long inhaling pollution in dense roadside vehicle . When pregnant women should avoid the use of cleaning materials - materials that contain aerosol paints , formaldehyde , camphor , and insect poison in the form of mosquito coils or spray . If you must do the spraying insects , or cleaning with chemicals use porcelain mask covering the nose . For pregnant women with a history of asthma should not be exposed to substances such as animal dander triggers of asthma , pollen , dust carpet , cold air and so on .

Oral health

Oral health is very important for pregnant women especially are gums and teeth hygiene During pregnancy disorders often arise in the gums and teeth . Pregnancy hormones make your gums soft and sometimes bleed easily . Brushing your teeth with a soft toothbrush properly and regularly every after meal . May occasionally gargle with warm salt water solution . When the swollen gums bleed easily or use toothpaste as recommended by your doctor or midwife . In the first trimester pregnant women sometimes there are complaints of nausea - nausea and vomiting . spit on and cause bad breath ( halitosis ) . Pregnant women should frequently clean your mouth every time after vomiting . Tea can reduce the unpleasant mouth odor . Food for pregnant women should contain a balanced nutritional , enough vitamins and natural fiber fruits and vegetables . Should wash fruits and vegetables to be eaten raw to reduce pesticide residues and avoid virus contaminated with Toxoplasma gondii .

Pregnant women should avoid cigarette smoke and people smoking . Miscarriage and premature infants occur because of fetal nicotine poisoning . Besides cigarettes also avoid alcohol , caffeine , drink supplements that are advertised on television , soft drinks containing energy supplements , herbal medicine - herbal or similar products are not guaranteed quality . If ever in doubt about a particular type of beverage ask your doctor or midwife about how big the impact and effect on the fetus . Should i get pregnant bu consuming healthier beverages , milk , fruit juice , soymilk , water, green beans , white water .

Cleanliness of body and breast .

Caring for body and breast hygiene is very important . But for pregnant women who have a history of recurrent miscarriage should reduce stimulation ( stimulating ) draw - attractive young nipples during pregnancy because it can stimulate the hormones oxytocin and cause uterine contractions . Note the breast and body hygiene with regular bathing three times a day . It is very important for healthy skin , blood circulation throughout the body smoothly . Enlargement of breast size makes mom a little less comfortable at the beginning of pregnancy until the end of pregnancy . Use the appropriate bra or bra size.

Hand hygiene

Pregnant women should maintain hand hygiene also nails . Always wash your hands every time after doing the work and before eating . Like to keep animals ? Be careful ya with cats and rabbits and poultry . Planting flowers or maybe hobby ? Use gloves to avoid contamination by manure or animal waste . Remember diarrhea sometimes caused by something trivial and trivial . But it can be dangerous for pregnant women . Body so weak , dehydration and gastrointestinal infections . For those who love to play with cats , dogs , rabbits or poultry . Heart - the heart is also the risk of toxoplasmosis virus spread through animal and poultry through the manure .

Note the abdominal area .

The more the enlarged abdomen . This is a good sign of fetal growth means perfect . Then I have to start preparing maternity clothes . Avoid wearing tight clothing . No need to worry about a lot of maternity clothes that are fashionable and comfortable and not pressing on the abdomen . The greater the mother's pregnancy , you should get used to sleeping on his side for the circulation of blood from the mother to the fetus smoothly . Supine position for too long is not recommended for pregnant women . Distention also affect the balance of the body . While maintaining a balance with upright body position while running in order not to slip or fall . If there are objects on the floor that will be taken , pregnant women should bend one knee with caution. Should not immediately bow . Could fall because the body is not balanced .

Cleanliness of the genital area .

During pregnancy should be more careful - careful genital hygiene . Germs can enter through the infected genitals . So make it a habit to clean the genital area with clean water benar.Cebok front of new genital anal area to the rear section . No need to use antiseptic vaginal wash as it will kill the good bacteria in the vagina which will resist the attack germs were trying to get into the uterus . Often changing clothes panties . Wearing cotton underwear and loose . Keeping the panties are always dry and clean . Do not worry because it is whitish due to hormonal changes . Except when the discharge turns foul odor , thick green or yellow accompanied by itching . If no husband venereal disease should also be treated to prevent cross infection or pass each other during intercourse .

Physical exercise and sports

If there are no restrictions from the doctor or midwife for pregnancy exercise , pregnancy exercise is important to do . The goal is that strengthening the pelvic floor muscles , increase endurance , breathing exercise and accelerate blood circulation . If not could be replaced with a gymnastic exercise walking for thirty minutes every day . There are some circumstances that are at risk of pregnancy miscarriage mom does not allow even have to walk a total bed rest . Yeah what may make , you should enjoy it . Instead on the bed you can do the Kegel exercises . Thank God could still get pregnant with all its consequences for the safety of the baby.

Special attention to foot area

Avoid wearing high heeled shoes . Pregnant women should not use high-heeled shoes to prevent the damming of the blood vessels in the leg area . At the time sleeping or lying leg always try the higher position . When you have to work with high heel shoes heart - heart goes not to fall could be fatal . Either occasionally also soak feet in warm water with salt . Husband could help wife foot massage the area while pregnant with olive oil or lotion gently while sitting in a chair . This helps improve blood circulation , prevent varicose veins getting worse , reduce complaints and soreness in the leg cramps .

Relax and give the body a chance to rest

Pregnant women will expend extra energy for the body's metabolic processes . Therefore the body will naturally hold a cell replacement of damaged body cells . When the regeneration of new cells takes place ? when we relax and sleep . How long is a good time for a break ? During the day just one or two hours and night about six to seven hours . Do not be surprised sometimes when a pregnant woman sleeping nightmare . No need to link with the myth . It is natural that sometimes there is pent-up anxiety and unconscious as revealed in dream sleep . Therefore share the ups and downs between husband and wife is very important during pregnancy in order to reduce anxiety and stress .

Warm greetings for the healthy pregnant women may always to arrive later in childbirth .