Homeschooling: Home School or Home School
Homeschooling: Home School or Home School - Homeschooling ( Home School ) are now starting to become one of the preferred model of parents in directing their children in education . This option appears because of the parents ' views about the suitability of an interest by the children . Homeschooling is mostly done in large cities , especially by those who never do so when they are abroad .
In Indonesia, where homeschooling has begun mushrooming in Jakarta and other big cities . For the first stage , where the home-based model of teaching and learning has not reaped the interest of the general public .
But now , its existence actually widely used middle class and above , such as the artist , and the entertainer . Not infrequently found among the sportsmen , national athletes are also among ordinary stay home as classrooms .
" I want my children are not left behind as the activity model lessons . Concentration to learn and gain knowledge remains my priority to Ayu , " said Tini , the parents of Ayu , owned homeschooling high school student in Seto Mulyadi when contacted .
Schedule outside school longer and learn concentration was worried . To schedule Ayu who is a model , adapted to the tough school schedule in general , had to make it lagged one smester .
Meanwhile , the choice of homeschooling is the desire to learn from Ivan , high school students in the same place . " He is wanted in the home , parents also happen to desire , Iwan so we can control , " said Ike mother.
Model Development of Education System
Homeschooling ( School house ) , according to the Director of Equality Education Ministry of National Education ( MONE ) Yulaelawati Ella , is the process of consciously educational services , regular and purposeful performed by parents or family and learning process also takes place in a conducive environment .
The goal is that each child's unique potential to develop optimally . The same formulation was also held by institutions other educators began to intensify means of providing homeschooling program .
There are several reasons why parents choose a school in Indonesia over the house . Kecendrungannya among others , could emphasize the moral or religious education , expanding the social environment and of course a better learning environment , in addition to providing direct instruction are contextual , thematic , nonskolastik are not discontinuous by limitations of science .
According to Ela Yuliawati , this view gives a broad sense to everyone to express more desire and ability to gain knowledge , not only in the school called . Even the chance of getting more science also has a great opportunity in line with the development of education .
This then makes homeschooling chosen as one of alternative teaching and learning process in the development of education in Indonesia . Until then homeschooling model ( School House ) included in the revised education law No. 20 of 2003 .
Application of Homeschooling
According to Seto Mulyadi , chairman of the National Commission on Children , the emergence of homeschooling as an alternative is necessary to prove its success as a competition draw process through non-formal system .
Etymologically , home schooling ( HS ) was held at the home school . Although called home schoooling , does not mean the child will continue to learn at home , but children can learn anywhere and at any time the circumstances of origin really comfortable and fun just like being at home . Individual excellence is what gives meaning to the integration of subjects to students .
Seto said , need the full support of the parents to learn , create creative learning and fun , and maintain the interest and enthusiasm of children's learning . Because behind the ease , home school parents also need patience , cooperation among family members, and consistent in the habit of planting .
Seto dismiss mistakenly judged a number of myths about homeschooling so far . For example , children less sociable , parents can not be a teacher , a parent should know everything , parents should take the time 8 hours a day , learning time is not as much time learning formal school , children are not accustomed to discipline and their own wishes , can not get a diploma and moving point into the formal school , not able to compete , and homeschooling is expensive . " It was wrong , " he said .
There are several classifications of homeschooling formats , namely :
The reason for choosing homeschooling community , among others :
challenge homeschooling
During its development , homeschooling is also facing several challenges , namely :
1 . homeschooling single
2 . homeschooling compound
3 . homeschooling community
The strength of homeschooling
As an alternative education , home schooling also has some strengths and weaknesses . Strengths / advantages of homeschooling are :
While the weakness of homeschooling are :
Prerequisites success of homeschooling
In order for homeschooling can be executed properly and the child can feel comfortable in learning , then there are some prerequisites of success in carrying out homeschooling , namely :
Parents , Teachers Also Friend
Then , what is to be considered by parents in the school held a house ? Seto said , parents should make the child as a friend to learn and put myself as a facilitator . " " Parents need to understand that the child is not a miniature adult , " he said .
" Son , " Seto said , " Keep playing . Was the need to be understood by parents . Hence, parents should not be arrogant to put yourself as a teacher , but learning together . Otherwise it ready by then, according to Seto , better not organize home school . "
" The old man , still need to continue to add knowledge . Not must master all kinds of knowledge , which is important , having an understanding of the child . If the parents do not understand biology or mathematics , for example , parents can bring in teachers for the lessons and learning with the children. thus , the child will feel lower , but as the friend of learning , "said Kak Seto added .
What about the parents who work so feel not have time to give lessons to children in organizing homeschool ? Seto said , " it should not be an excuse . "
" No matter how busy parents , still have to have time for children . If you do not have the time , do not have children , " said psychologist who also organizes homeschooling for her eldest son .
Home school learning should conform with the standards of competence which has been determined by the Ministry of National Education . This is in line with the growth and ability of the child , in addition to be included in the evaluation and exams are held nationally .
Standards of competence becomes a must-have guide a child in a particular class . Children sixth grade or equivalent , for example , should have at least mastered math to some extent anyway . " The standard of competency, " Seto said , " Can be obtained at the Department of Education 's in their respective areas . "
Evaluation for children who attend homeschooling can be done by having the test package A which is equivalent to elementary or junior high B Package . "Basically , " says Seto , " The evaluation can also be done with its main office to the existing formal education . " According to him , this should be done because the school is not a school house wild . Presumably the parents should be filled up first before conducting a home school for the baby .
In Indonesia, where homeschooling has begun mushrooming in Jakarta and other big cities . For the first stage , where the home-based model of teaching and learning has not reaped the interest of the general public .
But now , its existence actually widely used middle class and above , such as the artist , and the entertainer . Not infrequently found among the sportsmen , national athletes are also among ordinary stay home as classrooms .
" I want my children are not left behind as the activity model lessons . Concentration to learn and gain knowledge remains my priority to Ayu , " said Tini , the parents of Ayu , owned homeschooling high school student in Seto Mulyadi when contacted .
Schedule outside school longer and learn concentration was worried . To schedule Ayu who is a model , adapted to the tough school schedule in general , had to make it lagged one smester .
Meanwhile , the choice of homeschooling is the desire to learn from Ivan , high school students in the same place . " He is wanted in the home , parents also happen to desire , Iwan so we can control , " said Ike mother.
Model Development of Education System
Homeschooling ( School house ) , according to the Director of Equality Education Ministry of National Education ( MONE ) Yulaelawati Ella , is the process of consciously educational services , regular and purposeful performed by parents or family and learning process also takes place in a conducive environment .
The goal is that each child's unique potential to develop optimally . The same formulation was also held by institutions other educators began to intensify means of providing homeschooling program .
There are several reasons why parents choose a school in Indonesia over the house . Kecendrungannya among others , could emphasize the moral or religious education , expanding the social environment and of course a better learning environment , in addition to providing direct instruction are contextual , thematic , nonskolastik are not discontinuous by limitations of science .
According to Ela Yuliawati , this view gives a broad sense to everyone to express more desire and ability to gain knowledge , not only in the school called . Even the chance of getting more science also has a great opportunity in line with the development of education .
This then makes homeschooling chosen as one of alternative teaching and learning process in the development of education in Indonesia . Until then homeschooling model ( School House ) included in the revised education law No. 20 of 2003 .
Application of Homeschooling
According to Seto Mulyadi , chairman of the National Commission on Children , the emergence of homeschooling as an alternative is necessary to prove its success as a competition draw process through non-formal system .
Etymologically , home schooling ( HS ) was held at the home school . Although called home schoooling , does not mean the child will continue to learn at home , but children can learn anywhere and at any time the circumstances of origin really comfortable and fun just like being at home . Individual excellence is what gives meaning to the integration of subjects to students .
Seto said , need the full support of the parents to learn , create creative learning and fun , and maintain the interest and enthusiasm of children's learning . Because behind the ease , home school parents also need patience , cooperation among family members, and consistent in the habit of planting .
Seto dismiss mistakenly judged a number of myths about homeschooling so far . For example , children less sociable , parents can not be a teacher , a parent should know everything , parents should take the time 8 hours a day , learning time is not as much time learning formal school , children are not accustomed to discipline and their own wishes , can not get a diploma and moving point into the formal school , not able to compete , and homeschooling is expensive . " It was wrong , " he said .
There are several classifications of homeschooling formats , namely :
- homeschooling single Implemented by parents in families without joining the others for a particular case or for remote locations .
- homeschooling compound Carried out by two or more families for certain activities while still main activities carried out by their parents . The reason : there are needs that can be compromised by several families to do activities together . For example, the curriculum of the Consortium , sports activities ( eg family tennis athletes ) , music skills / arts , social activities and religious activities
- homeschooling community Joint compound some homeschooling that make up and define the syllabus , teaching materials , the principal activities (sports , music / arts and languages ) , facilities / infrastructure and learning schedule . Commitment organizing learning between parents and communities about 50:50 .
The reason for choosing homeschooling community , among others :
- Structured and more complete for academic education , noble character development and the achievement of learning outcomes
- There is a better learning facilities eg workshops , natural laboratory , library , science lab / Language , auditorium , sports facilities and arts
- Reduced Space wider dissemination learners but can be controlled
- Support larger because each is responsible for teaching the appropriate skills each individual
- Suitable for children over 10 years
- Combining family live far away through the internet and other information tools to reject the appeal ( benchmarking ) included for standardization
challenge homeschooling
During its development , homeschooling is also facing several challenges , namely :
1 . homeschooling single
- Difficulty in getting support / place to ask , share and inversely success
- Less socializing place for self-expression as a condition of passage
- Parents should make an assessment of educational outcomes and seek penyetaraannya
2 . homeschooling compound
- Need to compromise and flexibility of schedule , the atmosphere , the facilities and certain activities
- Need an expert in a particular field even though " presence " parents should remain
- Children with expertise / special activities must adjust / accept other environments with and accept " differences " as the other processes of identity formation
- Parents homeschooling each operator must conduct themselves penyetaraannya
3 . homeschooling community
- The need for compromise and flexibility of schedule , the atmosphere , the facilities and the specific activities that can be implemented together
- The need for professional supervision so that the necessary expertise in a particular field even though " presence " parents should remain
- Children with special skills or activities should also be able to adjust with other environmental and accept " differences " as the other processes of identity formation .
The strength of homeschooling
As an alternative education , home schooling also has some strengths and weaknesses . Strengths / advantages of homeschooling are :
- More giving independence and individual creativity instead of learning the classical
- Provide opportunities for achieving individual competence as much as possible so it does not always have to be limited to comparing with the highest ability , or even the average lowest
- Protected from the " brawl " , delinquency , drug , socially deviant , consumerism and snack food malnutrition - More hanging out with adults as role models
- More prepared for real life
- More encouraged to perform religious activities , recreation / sports family
- Helping children are more developed , to understand himself and his role in the real world with freedom of speech , or reject certain agreed values nlai without fear to get reproach from friend or a value less
- Membelajarkan children with a variety of situations , conditions and social environment
- Still provide opportunities to interact with peers outside of hours learning
While the weakness of homeschooling are :
- Children who learn in less homeschooling interact with peers from different social status can provide valuable experience to learn to live in the community
- Schools are places of learning typical to train children to compete and achieve maximum success
- Homeschooling can isolate students from the realities that are less fun to be influential in the development of individual
- If the child just learned in homeschooling , chances are he will be isolated from the social environment less favorable so he will be less prepared to deal with the error or uncertainty
Prerequisites success of homeschooling
In order for homeschooling can be executed properly and the child can feel comfortable in learning , then there are some prerequisites of success in carrying out homeschooling , namely :
- Willingness and round determination
- Discipline learning - learning deeply held
- Availability of sufficient time
- Flexibility in approach to learning
- The ability of parents to manage activities
- Availability of learning resources
- Compliance with prescribed standards
- Law enforcement
- Convening outreach programs so that the children are not alienated from society and peers
- DI leaders in cooperation with institutions of local formal and informal education in accordance with the principles of openness and multimakna
- Intertwined good communication between the organizers of homeschooling
- Availability of innovative learning assessment tools ( eg in the form of portfolio and colloquia )
Parents , Teachers Also Friend
Then , what is to be considered by parents in the school held a house ? Seto said , parents should make the child as a friend to learn and put myself as a facilitator . " " Parents need to understand that the child is not a miniature adult , " he said .
" Son , " Seto said , " Keep playing . Was the need to be understood by parents . Hence, parents should not be arrogant to put yourself as a teacher , but learning together . Otherwise it ready by then, according to Seto , better not organize home school . "
" The old man , still need to continue to add knowledge . Not must master all kinds of knowledge , which is important , having an understanding of the child . If the parents do not understand biology or mathematics , for example , parents can bring in teachers for the lessons and learning with the children. thus , the child will feel lower , but as the friend of learning , "said Kak Seto added .
What about the parents who work so feel not have time to give lessons to children in organizing homeschool ? Seto said , " it should not be an excuse . "
" No matter how busy parents , still have to have time for children . If you do not have the time , do not have children , " said psychologist who also organizes homeschooling for her eldest son .
Home school learning should conform with the standards of competence which has been determined by the Ministry of National Education . This is in line with the growth and ability of the child , in addition to be included in the evaluation and exams are held nationally .
Standards of competence becomes a must-have guide a child in a particular class . Children sixth grade or equivalent , for example , should have at least mastered math to some extent anyway . " The standard of competency, " Seto said , " Can be obtained at the Department of Education 's in their respective areas . "
Evaluation for children who attend homeschooling can be done by having the test package A which is equivalent to elementary or junior high B Package . "Basically , " says Seto , " The evaluation can also be done with its main office to the existing formal education . " According to him , this should be done because the school is not a school house wild . Presumably the parents should be filled up first before conducting a home school for the baby .
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