Should Early Childhood Education?
Should Early Childhood Education? - Early Childhood Education ( ECD ) is often considered to be secondary education , so many parents who prefer to directly send their children to primary school . Actually , should the child be included in early childhood education ? General Director of Early Childhood Education Non-Formal and Informal ( PAUDNI ) Prof . Lydia Freyani Hawadi said , should children 2-6 years of age were included in the early childhood because kids got experience , socialization , as well as teaching at the most important time in their growth and development .
He explained , ECD can deliver tangible benefits to the development of intelligence and moral child . ECD instill honesty , discipline , love of neighbor , love of country , even on nutrition . According to him , the delivery of basic values is more effective if given early age .
" The essence of early childhood stimulation or stimulation is providing appropriate education to the child's growth and development stage and carried through play while learning approach , " said Reni , vocation , in Nutritalk titled " Growing Importance of Passion in Early Nutrition " by Sarihusada Tuesday ( 21 / 5/2013 ) in Jakarta .
Unfortunately , at this time the number of children included in the ECD reached 34.54 percent of the total early childhood age children in Indonesia. Though targeted to reach 70 percent by 2015 . Professor of Psychology University of Indonesia explained , the lack of interest of parents put their children to early childhood education is an additional charge before reaching their compulsory education . In fact , early childhood education can even be done informally with government support is done in public places such as houses of worship or a neighborhood health center .
" Research shows that children who participate early childhood tend to be achievers and cheerful , brave , and passionate . Monitoring of children participating in early childhood education up to grade 5 elementary demonstrate their achievement better than children who do not , " said Reni .
Select the appropriate When living in an environment that is already available many early childhood , then the selection of appropriate early childhood education also need to be considered by the parent . According to Susan , a good early childhood education is to provide early childhood education in a holistic integrative .
Reni also explained the terms of the right to choose the child's early childhood . The first requirement is, choose a location close to home . " If it's too far away , the child will be tired on the road so it can not follow the focus of early childhood education , " said Reni .
Second , select a competent teacher and understand the proper techniques of early childhood teaching . And third , obviously early childhood curriculum and incorporate positive fundamental values into it .
He explained , ECD can deliver tangible benefits to the development of intelligence and moral child . ECD instill honesty , discipline , love of neighbor , love of country , even on nutrition . According to him , the delivery of basic values is more effective if given early age .
" The essence of early childhood stimulation or stimulation is providing appropriate education to the child's growth and development stage and carried through play while learning approach , " said Reni , vocation , in Nutritalk titled " Growing Importance of Passion in Early Nutrition " by Sarihusada Tuesday ( 21 / 5/2013 ) in Jakarta .
Unfortunately , at this time the number of children included in the ECD reached 34.54 percent of the total early childhood age children in Indonesia. Though targeted to reach 70 percent by 2015 . Professor of Psychology University of Indonesia explained , the lack of interest of parents put their children to early childhood education is an additional charge before reaching their compulsory education . In fact , early childhood education can even be done informally with government support is done in public places such as houses of worship or a neighborhood health center .
" Research shows that children who participate early childhood tend to be achievers and cheerful , brave , and passionate . Monitoring of children participating in early childhood education up to grade 5 elementary demonstrate their achievement better than children who do not , " said Reni .
Select the appropriate When living in an environment that is already available many early childhood , then the selection of appropriate early childhood education also need to be considered by the parent . According to Susan , a good early childhood education is to provide early childhood education in a holistic integrative .
Reni also explained the terms of the right to choose the child's early childhood . The first requirement is, choose a location close to home . " If it's too far away , the child will be tired on the road so it can not follow the focus of early childhood education , " said Reni .
Second , select a competent teacher and understand the proper techniques of early childhood teaching . And third , obviously early childhood curriculum and incorporate positive fundamental values into it .
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