La CDC admet 98 millions des personnes qui ont reçu des vaccins contre la polio contaminés par le virus causant le cancer

Les Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC) , a de nouveau été pris suppression pertinente, mais traitées information sur les vaccins pour votre site web .

Cette fois, c'est le vaccin contre la polio infâme, jusqu'à 98 millions de doses qui ont été montrés pour contenir virus cancérigène , croit maintenant être responsable millions de cas de cancer aux États-Unis , selon les CDC .
L' information a été publiée dans une feuille d'information officiel intitulé Cancer CDC, le virus simien 40 (SV40 ) , et le vaccin contre la polio , qui a déjà été retiré du site Web CDC . Heureusement, pouvait page d'archive avant la condamnation CDC finalement éliminé , probablement parce que le SV40 a reçu beaucoup d'attention ces derniers temps en raison de son lien pour causer le cancer .
Vous pouvez voir un lien vers la page d'origine CDC SV40 et le vaccin contre la polio, qui n'est plus actif , ici:
Comme vous pouvez le voir sur la page archivée CDC, le virus SV40 aurait été découvert chez des singes en 1960 , et bientôt commencé à apparaître de façon inattendue dans les vaccins contre la polio . Le virus SV40 , selon cette même page, a été liée à causer une variété de cancers humains , y compris la leucémie infantile , cancer du poumon, cancer des os, et le lymphome non hodgkinien .
Bien que la CDC a nié un lien de causalité certain entre SV40 et le cancer, implique que le virus , qui soi-disant a été retiré de tous les vaccins contre la polio en 1963, était problématique en ce qui concerne le développement du cancer . 

Plus de 98 millions de personnes , en fait, peuvent avoir été exposées au SV40 à la suite de la réception des vaccins contre la polio recommandés par le gouvernement dans les années 1960 , et beaucoup d'entre eux ont développé un cancer à la suite .
"Plus de 98 millions d'Américains ont reçu une ou plusieurs doses de vaccin antipoliomyélitique 1955-1963 , quand une partie du vaccin a été contaminé par SV40. », Dit le CDC . " On estime que de 10 à 30 millions d'Américains ont peut-être reçu une dose de vaccin contaminé SV40 . "Le virus SV40 dans les vaccins contre la polio liée à un cancer des os , le mésothéliome
Alors, pourquoi le retrait soudain de cette importante information sur le site du CDC ? La page en cache CDC , comme vous pourrez le constater, est fixé à décourager leurs lecteurs à penser que le SV40 a été définitivement lié à causer le cancer, même si il a été démontré en 1961 par le National Institute of Health (NIH) SV40 qui est directement liée à provoquer la formation de tumeurs .
" Comme d'autres polyomavirus SV40 est un virus à ADN qui a été trouvé pour causer des tumeurs et des cancers », explique . " On croit que supprime SV40 propriétés transcriptionnelle des gènes suppresseurs de tumeurs chez l'homme à travers les SV40 antigène grand T et petit antigène T de SV40 . Gènes mutés peuvent contribuer à la prolifération cellulaire incontrôlée qui mène au cancer. "
En ce qui concerne les conditions particulières liées à SV40, Michele Carbone, professeur de pathologie à l'Université Loyola de Chicago , a constaté que le virus est présent dans de nombreux cas de cancer de l'os de l'ostéosarcome et la variété de cancer du poumon de plus en plus connu comme le mésothéliome . 

En conséquence, le Carbone SV40 identifiés dans environ un tiers de tous les cas étudiés, l'ostéosarcome et 40 pour cent d'autres cancers des os . La même chose était vraie pour 60 pour cent de tous les cas de mésothéliome.
" De nombreuses autorités admettent maintenant beaucoup , peut-être la plupart des cancers du monde proviennent de l' Sabin vaccins contre la polio Salk et , et le vaccin contre l'hépatite B produit chez les singes et les chimpanzés », ajoute .

«On dit que le mésothéliome est une conséquence de l'exposition à l'amiante, cependant , la recherche montre que 50 pour cent des mésothéliomes actuels étant traités ne se produisent plus à cause de l'amiante , mais le virus SV40 contenue dans le vaccin contre la polio ».

TSJPV reconnu l'origine professionnelle d'un mésothéliome qui a tué un ancien ouvrier

La Chambre de la Cour supérieure de Justice du Pays Basque ( TSJPV ) a estimé la ressource de la veuve de MAL - anciens employés du chantier naval espagnol, décédé le 21 mai 2010 en raison d'un mésothéliome pleural.

 tout en reconnaissant que l'origine une maladie professionnelle , conduisant à une amélioration de la pension de la veuve et de paver la voie à d'autres demandes de dommages et violations suppléments préventifs .

Comme l'a signalé ASVIAMIE , Association Basque des victimes de l'amiante , MAL effectuées depuis plus de 20 ans de travail peinture, soudage de tuyaux et d'autres activités sur les navires construits dans le chantier naval de La jusqu'en 1990, quand il a démissionné après une déclaration permanent maladie courante des personnes handicapées. Le 19 Février 2010, a été diagnostiqué avec le mésothéliome pleural et mourut trois mois plus tard .

Le tribunal du travail n ° 4 de Bilbao 03/06/13 rejeté la demande de la reconnaissance de la pension de la veuve de maladie professionnelle , sur la base que « pas établi la probabilité d'exposition à l'amiante au travail » basé sur le refus d'une telle exposition , pour le Naval, Asepeyo mutuelle , Fraternité , Mutualia et de la Sécurité sociale du Trésor.

ASVIAMIE regretté la décision de cette décision, «malgré le mésothéliome pleural est une maladie résultant uniquement de l' exposition à l'amiante et inclus dans la liste des maladies professionnelles et l'existence de nombreux milieux, avec des cas similaires soient reconnues et l'utilisation incontestable et l'exposition aux fibres d'amiante pendant les décennies des années 70 et 80 dans les chantiers navals espagnols , sans aucune mesure de protection " .

Comme il a critiqué les "sociétés durs manifestent de la résistance , les employeurs communs de placement , y compris la sécurité sociale , ainsi que des rapports techniques OSALAN hésitante, sont une tentative flagrante de cacher ces institutions amiante catastrophe sanitaire avec un mépris total pour les victimes et leurs familles. "

«D'abord laisser l'échec scandaleux de la législation globale sur l'amiante ( comme l'a noté la Cour suprême) , ainsi que d'autres substances cancérogènes en milieu de travail , sans aucune information sur les risques , soutenue ensuite par le manque de présence de preuves documentées de l'amiante et d'essayer de nier l'origine professionnelle de maladies " , at-il plaint .

L'association des victimes de l'amiante Basque considère ce nouveau jugement TSJPV montre que « uni et organisé les victimes , nous pouvons surmonter l'obstacle qui paralyse veut cacher tant de maladies et de décès injustifié».

Par conséquent , il a encouragé tous les travailleurs retraités et actifs qui ont été en contact avec les fibres cancérigènes, il ya des décennies dans son travail , à appliquer " avant de tomber malade , " l'inclusion dans la surveillance de la santé des plans de désamiantage poste du travail en réponse aux tentatives de «cacher la relation entre respiratoire maladies à prévention violations qu'elles ont subi. "

How to Maintain the Health of Pregnant Women

How to Maintain the Health of Pregnant Women - Pregnant women maintain a healthy body is not difficult . Things - practical things that are sometimes overlooked by a pregnant woman it can be a problem for the health of the fetus is also when the neglected So here are 10 Ways to maintain the health of pregnant women that I share from head to toe . Hope can be done daily .

Keeping the face and head area health

Often pregnant women should ask hair dyed during pregnancy ? Heck should postpone . Given a drug used to paint and hair perming substances are toxic ( poisonous ) . Sometimes there are also complaints of hair loss and grow hair on the forehead smooth become a problem for pregnant women . But do not worry it's only temporary nature due to hormonal changes of pregnancy . Cleanliness of the area and head hair can be done with regular shampooing . Pregnant women should do a light massage on the face and head for relaxation .

Pregnant women sometimes see her reflection when there are spots . Mothers do not need to worry with dark or brown spots on the face ( cloasma gravidarum ) . It was also due to hormonal changes that stimulate pigmentation on the face and neck . No need to smear a wide - range of whitening cream . After pregnancy changes the color of the brown spots will go away .

Breathe clean air .

Pregnant women should be careful - careful choosing where the morning . Do not let the nose too long inhaling pollution in dense roadside vehicle . When pregnant women should avoid the use of cleaning materials - materials that contain aerosol paints , formaldehyde , camphor , and insect poison in the form of mosquito coils or spray . If you must do the spraying insects , or cleaning with chemicals use porcelain mask covering the nose . For pregnant women with a history of asthma should not be exposed to substances such as animal dander triggers of asthma , pollen , dust carpet , cold air and so on .

Oral health

Oral health is very important for pregnant women especially are gums and teeth hygiene During pregnancy disorders often arise in the gums and teeth . Pregnancy hormones make your gums soft and sometimes bleed easily . Brushing your teeth with a soft toothbrush properly and regularly every after meal . May occasionally gargle with warm salt water solution . When the swollen gums bleed easily or use toothpaste as recommended by your doctor or midwife . In the first trimester pregnant women sometimes there are complaints of nausea - nausea and vomiting . spit on and cause bad breath ( halitosis ) . Pregnant women should frequently clean your mouth every time after vomiting . Tea can reduce the unpleasant mouth odor . Food for pregnant women should contain a balanced nutritional , enough vitamins and natural fiber fruits and vegetables . Should wash fruits and vegetables to be eaten raw to reduce pesticide residues and avoid virus contaminated with Toxoplasma gondii .

Pregnant women should avoid cigarette smoke and people smoking . Miscarriage and premature infants occur because of fetal nicotine poisoning . Besides cigarettes also avoid alcohol , caffeine , drink supplements that are advertised on television , soft drinks containing energy supplements , herbal medicine - herbal or similar products are not guaranteed quality . If ever in doubt about a particular type of beverage ask your doctor or midwife about how big the impact and effect on the fetus . Should i get pregnant bu consuming healthier beverages , milk , fruit juice , soymilk , water, green beans , white water .

Cleanliness of body and breast .

Caring for body and breast hygiene is very important . But for pregnant women who have a history of recurrent miscarriage should reduce stimulation ( stimulating ) draw - attractive young nipples during pregnancy because it can stimulate the hormones oxytocin and cause uterine contractions . Note the breast and body hygiene with regular bathing three times a day . It is very important for healthy skin , blood circulation throughout the body smoothly . Enlargement of breast size makes mom a little less comfortable at the beginning of pregnancy until the end of pregnancy . Use the appropriate bra or bra size.

Hand hygiene

Pregnant women should maintain hand hygiene also nails . Always wash your hands every time after doing the work and before eating . Like to keep animals ? Be careful ya with cats and rabbits and poultry . Planting flowers or maybe hobby ? Use gloves to avoid contamination by manure or animal waste . Remember diarrhea sometimes caused by something trivial and trivial . But it can be dangerous for pregnant women . Body so weak , dehydration and gastrointestinal infections . For those who love to play with cats , dogs , rabbits or poultry . Heart - the heart is also the risk of toxoplasmosis virus spread through animal and poultry through the manure .

Note the abdominal area .

The more the enlarged abdomen . This is a good sign of fetal growth means perfect . Then I have to start preparing maternity clothes . Avoid wearing tight clothing . No need to worry about a lot of maternity clothes that are fashionable and comfortable and not pressing on the abdomen . The greater the mother's pregnancy , you should get used to sleeping on his side for the circulation of blood from the mother to the fetus smoothly . Supine position for too long is not recommended for pregnant women . Distention also affect the balance of the body . While maintaining a balance with upright body position while running in order not to slip or fall . If there are objects on the floor that will be taken , pregnant women should bend one knee with caution. Should not immediately bow . Could fall because the body is not balanced .

Cleanliness of the genital area .

During pregnancy should be more careful - careful genital hygiene . Germs can enter through the infected genitals . So make it a habit to clean the genital area with clean water benar.Cebok front of new genital anal area to the rear section . No need to use antiseptic vaginal wash as it will kill the good bacteria in the vagina which will resist the attack germs were trying to get into the uterus . Often changing clothes panties . Wearing cotton underwear and loose . Keeping the panties are always dry and clean . Do not worry because it is whitish due to hormonal changes . Except when the discharge turns foul odor , thick green or yellow accompanied by itching . If no husband venereal disease should also be treated to prevent cross infection or pass each other during intercourse .

Physical exercise and sports

If there are no restrictions from the doctor or midwife for pregnancy exercise , pregnancy exercise is important to do . The goal is that strengthening the pelvic floor muscles , increase endurance , breathing exercise and accelerate blood circulation . If not could be replaced with a gymnastic exercise walking for thirty minutes every day . There are some circumstances that are at risk of pregnancy miscarriage mom does not allow even have to walk a total bed rest . Yeah what may make , you should enjoy it . Instead on the bed you can do the Kegel exercises . Thank God could still get pregnant with all its consequences for the safety of the baby.

Special attention to foot area

Avoid wearing high heeled shoes . Pregnant women should not use high-heeled shoes to prevent the damming of the blood vessels in the leg area . At the time sleeping or lying leg always try the higher position . When you have to work with high heel shoes heart - heart goes not to fall could be fatal . Either occasionally also soak feet in warm water with salt . Husband could help wife foot massage the area while pregnant with olive oil or lotion gently while sitting in a chair . This helps improve blood circulation , prevent varicose veins getting worse , reduce complaints and soreness in the leg cramps .

Relax and give the body a chance to rest

Pregnant women will expend extra energy for the body's metabolic processes . Therefore the body will naturally hold a cell replacement of damaged body cells . When the regeneration of new cells takes place ? when we relax and sleep . How long is a good time for a break ? During the day just one or two hours and night about six to seven hours . Do not be surprised sometimes when a pregnant woman sleeping nightmare . No need to link with the myth . It is natural that sometimes there is pent-up anxiety and unconscious as revealed in dream sleep . Therefore share the ups and downs between husband and wife is very important during pregnancy in order to reduce anxiety and stress .

Warm greetings for the healthy pregnant women may always to arrive later in childbirth .

Why Education is Important?

Why Education is Important? - When asked what the purpose of the school to the elementary school children already confirmed they did not answer . They are sent to school by their parents , not their own choosing for the school . Only when the new junior high they know what their purpose school . Because they 've been able to choose a school for themselves. Although sometimes forced to remain in accordance with the schoolgirl look for by his parents .

If parents are democratic , not usually force their children to the school in accordance with kemaunnya alone . Must fit her well kemaun . Refenrensi just about providing parents and let the children to choose the school that will be a place of learning itself . Schools that take a long time and cost a lot , if not satisfactory will be problems in the future . Children can brokenhearted middle of the road because there are not comfortable with the school of his choice.

Beginning of junior high school enrollment or high school even college , when asked about their intentions answer very diverse school . There is a search for knowledge , no one wanted to make dreams come true , no one wanted to find a wife or girlfriend , there are just looking for a diploma and some are looking for status . Berdeda goal was perfectly natural , because different people different thoughts . If my neighbor says , has to go to school alone was tolerable , rather than at home idle .

The good boy is directed , or left alone choose any school appropriate goals and ideals ? Maybe it all also depends on parents , if somewhat authoritarian is definitely steer his son . But if you let her own democratic vote. Everything must have their pluses and minuses , like authoritarian or democratic . If authoritarian fear of pressure, but if it's too democratic scared miscast , it turns out unfavorable school .

Why should the school ? What is its purpose ? Is useless if the school just looking for a diploma ? Had many titles , it's probably one of the people honored the school's objectives . If the term is diajeni . But when it's high school , has spent a lot of expenses , even the edges so it sorry fraudsters who finance expensive . It's not a thief or fraudster purpose of school , but sometimes there is a chance akhiranya be thief as well .

Surprisingly there is also a high school since the beginning of the inn, let me be a high official who will be a lot of corruption . Corruption is so goal from the beginning , this is not a little , even parents who send their children such aims . " Le , you are a high school , so that the future can be high-ranking officials , the Parliament or the Regent , I'll let a lot of corruption . Nice work to replace an expensive school fee " , so said one of the parents to their child .

Whatever the reason and purpose , it's all right son , but that since the beginning has been aimed at the inn, so corrupt , what if it was a high school later ? Does it have to be supported ? Aims to let people become corrupt means letting the seeds of corruption thrives . Let that important to go to school alone is thanksgiving , so my neighbor remarked .